Exploring Azeroth: Kalimdor early arrivals/leaks

Sure, the draenei might have have held to this conflation between the Legion’s BEs and the Horde’s BEs a month or so after joining the Alliance. But soon enough the Horde was spearheading efforts against the Legion’s blood elves on Outland; Tempest Keep, the Exodar’s docking station, was even liberated by the Horde. The civil war between these two blood elf factions even provided the backdrop to the most significant event of the era (Kil’jaeden being ushered back into Azeroth).

Golden’s biggest flaw as a Warcraft writer is simply describing the content in front of her with little thought for how a living world might have shaped what came after. The draenei apparently being that ignorant of world affairs is a good example, doubly so as this ought to have concerned them.

The Alliance learned about Kael’thas’ allegiance to the Burning Legion before the PC even left Azuremyst.

Holding the Horde accountable for Kael’s crimes is extra nonsensical with that in mind.


Something good for a change:


Adding older lore to the current canon partially as Farraki legend, partially as it was. Would’ve been cool if they also mentioned the crystals “of distant origins” that were used to uplift Ossirian: what if they were titanic? That would explain why he was turned into someone who looks more like Uldum watchers. Or maybe the other anubisath simply helped to make him look that way: some old imprinted memories.


They most likely were. As Ahn’Qiraji was a titan facility that held C’thun prisoner. And the Anubisath are titan creations that were corrupted by C’thun. As for turning Ossirian’s head into one of a hawk, probably C’thuns doing to spite the Titans and their keeper minions.

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She also has a bit of a problem with the before too. The Rise of the Horde novel described the the Bleeding Hollow as one of clans staying in Draenor, when every other source consistency described the Bleeding Hollow as one of the first clans to enter Azeroth. I think the fact other clans within the Fel Horde, like the Laughing Skull, Shattered Hand, and Bonechewer, remained in Draenor she made that assumption with the fel orcs of the Bleeding Hollow.




До пожара Дарнас был столицей ночных эльфов. Сияющий град служил памятником любви ночных эльфов к природе и лоа Элуне. Жаль, что я так и не смог его увидеть. Помню, как разведчики Орды рассказывали, что Храм Луны был самым прекрасным зданием в Дарнасе и домом чудесных духов.

Более того, Дарнас стал убежищем для беженцев Гилнеаса. Многие гилнеасцы страдают от проклятия, превращающего их в зверей-волков, которых они прозвали воргенами. До Третьей Войны ночные эльфы редко пускали чужаков в свою столицу. Но после того, как ночные эльфы присоединились к Альянсу, они открыли свой дом для других рас Азерота — в особенности для гилнеасцев. Старые сказания гласят, что проклятие воргенов пришло в Азерот из Изумрудного Сна из-за друида-ночного эльфа. Возможно, именно поэтому ночные эльфы снарядили свои корабли, чтобы спасти гилнеасцев, именно поэтому они открыли свои закрытые настежь двери и возвели новый дом для беженцев.

В этой истории есть что-то утешающее. Приятно знать, что даже такие древние создания как ночные эльфы могут меняться. Я сделал маленькое подношение Акунде за ночных эльфов. Надеюсь, что однажды они смогут обрести новое начало.*

*Комментарий Рексара: Надежда ранит. Он поймет.

There is something comforting about this story. It’s nice to know that even creatures as ancient as night elves can change. I made a small offering to Akunda for the night elves. I hope that one day they can find a new beginning. *

Rexxar’s comment: * Hope hurts. He will understand.

This sounds suspicious. What does Rexxar mean? What shouldn’t be hoped for, or shouldn’t wait for a new beginning for the night elves?

Starting to look like Rexxar has been looking at Visions of the Future and is being misled just as Ner’zhul was…

Who has been Whispering to him? Who has been convincing him of Alliance villainy?

Of course I would not be surprised if Rexxar has been replaced by a Dreadlord… Nathrezim seem to have a personal interest in Jaina(who Blizzard has bluntly stated was not a Dreadlord) as seen with Mal’Ganis in Zereth Mortis which may or may not be a grudge but for what?

Varimathras expected the thrones of the Alliance itself to run red with betrayal so if the Nathrezim were planning on subverting Jaina only to fail like they did with Khadgar they might hate her.

Okay, the night elf tidbit from here is resolved:


It was just a case of strange wording. Another page mentions that the night elves moved the capital from Hyjal to Teldrassil. So, here’s the old capital. It also mentions that the tree was grown after the Horde had arrived at Kalimdor.



What fight are they throwing their lives away into?

This is emblematic of all your headcanon, inaccuracies, and out right nonsensical hyperbole.

No such numbers are to be found in the lore. It is all in your delusions.

“far more than 95%”… The term “far more” wouldn’t really apply at that point. 99% isn’t exactly “far more”.

And you just invented those numbers.


for those who don’t wanna click links. I would say that this does demonstrate self awareness on the side of the writers in the Kaldorei plight.

Also it supports notion of the Kaldorei returning to Hyjal as their Capitol, given it was already such before.

The Kaldorei never signed the Armistice. For them the conflict never ended, and they keep on attacking Horde on sight. That is why they have to avoid the main roads.


Not true. Warcraft 2 actually does have a good chunk of bleeding hollow remaining in Draenor.

Yeah, they actually held Auchindoun in W2.

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It seems from that excerpt that Rexxar and Zekhan being able to travel surreptitiously through Ashenvale isn’t due to incompetence on the night elves’ part, but the simple fact that they no longer have the numbers to adequately cover the area.

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Some smol tidbits.

• Astranaar was retaken and further fortified by the night elves.

• There’s a new Alliance camp on Zoram’s Strand in Ashenvale.

• Ancient Onu, who was targetted by the Horde in BfA world quest, is alive. He met Zekhan and Rexxar, and gave them a speech. Quite a speech. Impressive speech:


Fricking finally some damn good news. I was afraid we were going to have to deal with this Ashenvale thing for the next decade or so.


I think Rexxar is more cynical on the matter or understands that the road ahead for the night elves will be a long one and that Zekhan’s hopes for them will not be appreciated by the night elves on account of everything.

The wording of scene treated it as all of the Bleeding Hollow remaining behind, as the Warsong, Thunderlord, Shattered Hand, etc… did. Plus it’s been a long time since I played Warcraft 2. Furthermore the Bleeding Hollow were able to reenter the Dark Portal and return to Draenor prior to the Sons of Lothar invading, though I don’t remember if that was established in the Beyond Dark Portal game prior to it being the case in the novel.

blink So was Blackfathom Camp discarded in favor of this new camp or did the authors not realize that Blackfathom Camp was a thing?

I feel like there’s even a chance that the existing small camp added back in Cata might be this new camp.

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Which scene specifically?(it is a long book which I don’t feel like rereading)

Luckly I am still well versed in Warcraft 2 lore and can confirm this was part of the canon:

Side note, it is interesting how Ner’zhul was original spelled Ner’zuhl.

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Is there any information in relation to Feralas?
I’ve been wondering what the book might bring up on the zone due to the situation in Feathermoon Isle and Eldre’Thalas (aka Dire Maul).


Yes, gimme Feralas info. I loves that zone.