Exploring Azeroth: Kalimdor early arrivals/leaks

That’s a bad idea. What was their capital before the Third War?

Maybe Hyjal? Or they didn’t have one.

Typical blizzard doesn’t know their own lore.

Well that is going to be another pointless retcon. Teldrassil existed before the third war people. Fandral going behind Malfurions back to try and create a new world tree to get their immortality back? Nah that never happened now.


Before Teldrassil, the closest place the Kaldorei had to a center of governance was Nighthaven, in Moonglade. Which when you consider it is odd as it has no Large temple to Elune… so I don’t even know where the sisterhood would of been based out of.


I assume it means their capital before Teldrassil had the exclusion policy. But yes it is badly worded.

I just assume it is Hyjal. I doubt Tyrande need some extravagant building to conduct her government.

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• The draenei blame the Horde for Kael’s elves’s attack on Exodar, and Zekhan just agrees with it:


• The old mess of who came first and from whom - the Qiraji vs. the Silithid - is back again after seemingly getting resolved in the Chronicle:



Qiarji are the Aqir modified into a Bug-like form while the Silithid are the natural end result of that evolution I would expect.

That’s mega dumb. Those blood elves were in bed with the Legion and had no link to the Horde at all. Chronicles even made the faction they belonged to - fel-mad Kael’thas and his goons in Netherstorm - the Horde’s focus villains in TBC.


Sorting out whose loyalities to whom were true or not is really difficult with the Blood Elves in the TBC era. They were all in general kinda scummy mana junkies in game, before they decided to soften their image later on.


The zone made it very clear that they weren’t Horde. You could even kill the Blood Elf Bandit and farm his mask on a Horde character.


Questing effectively revealed their loyalties between the discovery of a Legion eredar leading them (Sironas) and the exposure of Engineer “Spark” Overgrind’s treachery (along with his very “Legion-y” dialogue when confronted.)

Plus at the time of those zones, the draenei had no grounds for thinking the blood elves were in the Horde; as far as they knew, Kael’thas and his followers were still servants of Illidan when the draenei retook the Exodar and fled to Azeroth with it. They had no real basis for thinking those blood elves in particular were associated with the Horde.


While all blood elves were scummy, the group that crashed the Exodar was led by an Eredar, and loyal to legion aligned Kael. Not to mention the crashing of the Exodar took place before Silvermoon even joined the Horde.
The Horde had nothing to do with this particular event.

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Well, this is all true, but they are big on perspective pieces now, rather than objective Word of God. So, it was the perspective/understanding of the Draenei that the Horde was behind it and Zekhan was unaware of the falsity of these claims.


It wouldn’t be the first time. This cooking daily implies Darnassus has been around a while:

“My family has been making the best kimchi in Darnassus since the city was founded.”

Which sounds impressive if it’s a decently aged city, but Darnassus had only been around for like, five years at that point.

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That’s not true, actually. If you’re a Night Elf DK, your character was a baby in Teldrassil. The age is not meant to be that short.

Really? that is so weird. Teldrassil was grown between the end of WC3 and WoW vanilla in a selfish attempt at reclaiming immortality by wayward druids lead by Fandral Staghelm. You are very large for your size.


None of us knew Kael was Legion aligned(at that point in time anyway). Also, Illidan did have demons, one could just assume that particular eredar was aligned with Kael/Illidan.

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Night elf
Yazmina Oakenthorn says: Come to finish the job, have you?
Yazmina Oakenthorn says: I’d like to stand for…
Yazmina Oakenthorn says: ?
Yazmina Oakenthorn says: , I’d recognize that face anywhere… What… What have they done to you ?
Yazmina Oakenthorn says: You don’t remember me? When you were a child your mother would leave you in my care while she served at the Temple of the Moon. I held you in my arms and fed you with honey and sheep’s milk to calm you until she would return. You were my little angel. Blasted Scourge… What have they done to you, ?
Yazmina Oakenthorn says: You must remember the splendor of life, <brother/sister>. You were a champion of the Kaldorei once! This isn’t you!
Yazmina Oakenthorn says: Listen to me, . You must fight against the Lich King’s control. He is a monster that wants to see this world - our world - in ruin. Don’t let him use you to accomplish his goals. You were once a hero and you can be again. Fight, damn you! Fight his control!
Knight Commander Plaguefist yells: What’s going on in there? What’s taking so long, ?
Yazmina Oakenthorn says: There… There’s no more time for me. I’m done for. Finish me off, . Do it or they’ll kill us both. … Remember Teldrassil, our beloved home. This world is worth saving.
Yazmina Oakenthorn says: Do it, ! Put me out of my misery!

It speaks of the Temple of the Moon being where he was born but doesn’t say it was resting on Teldrassil at the time despite latter telling the Death Knight to remember Teldrassil.

Darnassus might have been the Capital even before Teldrassil was planted underneath it! The fact that Staghelm planted a Tree under the Capital and Temple of the Moon to resurrect his Son is probably why the Tree is so big.

Yes, Yazmina Oakenthorn in the starting zone, mentions feeding you honey and sheep’s milk, while your mother served in the Temple of the Moon.

Right, but it doesn’t mention Darnassus. For all we know those two night elves are ancient and were referring to the old Temple in Suramar. She mentions Teldrassil separately later on.


Considering how the Exploring novels are confirmed point of views, some matters such as the Qiraji vs. the Silithid thing are meant to show that while the Chronicles resolved it, the others themselves don’t know. At the same time Zekhan just rolling with the Horde being blamed the Kael/Legion loyal Sunhawks actions bother and makes me question if Zekhan is just ignorant on the matter or if since the happened before the Blood elves turned against Kael’thas he accepts the blame.

I’m not sure how the timing of things worked out, but I do know per the epilogue of Rise of the Horde novel that the blood elves were in the Horde by the time Thrall learned that the Draenei had arrived in Azeroth and joined the Alliance.