Exploring Azeroth: Kalimdor early arrivals/leaks

Well, the book comes out tomorrow, so we’ll see.

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The book still isn’t going to address the big elephant in the room though.

The souls of the Night Elves that should’ve been saved

who cares they are dead and gone.
The afterlife doesn’t matter, it never did.


Reminder, her backstory has her being judged when she died initially. It is not a great concept to have Domination turn into double jeopardy for judgement. She didn’t volunteer to be raised from death.

The best concept path to a re-judge is that the Arbiter was broken the entire time, even before she was offline… but that’s a terrible plot line itself since the logical conclusion is that the Eternal Ones broke death with how they handled Zovaal in the past…

Err, a lot of the story reads weird now, not just Shadowlands.

In general about NE’s:
IMO, there has been a broad trend to mis-read Tolkien’s Twilight of the Elves as the Decline of the Elves.
Tolkien posited the end of their time on Middle Earth, and their going to the Undying Lands, as the Age of Man came. Not that they were dying out and powerless. (Going to the Undying Lands kinda nullifies the dying part.)

In WoW, there is a heavy reliance on the Decline on the Elves formulation; from the High Elves, to the Night Elves, to Suramar; it’s all the same pop-culture re-write that boils into cheap anthropocentrism ultimately.

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I do. They need to be freed from the maw and revived in order for the Night Elves to continue existing. And letting genocide victims be tortured and obliterated is just disgusting when you consider all the other things too

That would’ve been the only way.


They are dead. Get over it. Let the dead stay dead.

Elune is in the life domain. She can 3d print new NEs into existence. Don’t worry.


Yes. The Night Elf genocide victims deserved a resolution / happy ending the most.
Instead they got torture and oblivion.

I thought we all agreed that Goldshire on Moonguard had this all handled. They’re working hard right now to breed a whole new batch of night elves for later release into their natural environment.

Living Night Elves deserve a resolution as does the story.
The dead ones are dead. They went poof. Don’t worry about them.

Ok. Who cares?

I do. Night Elf fans do.

The first hand victims of genocide and torture deserved a resolution other than torture and oblivion.

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You keep repeating this line. You think I care? As soon as they died and went to shadowlands they ceased to exist.
Saving them. Torturing them. Hugging them. None of it matters.

Why should anyone care what happens to cosmic fuel?

Yup, and that’s where the story went wrong.

If you don’t care then keep it to yourself. Night Elf fans care.

Nope, otherwise the Shadowlands wouldn’t exist either which is obviously not true.
Again, in a non hateful story the night elves could’ve been rescued from the maw instead of obliterated. Then actual renewal could’ve meant their revival.

And I’m tired of arguing about this. You don’t care, fine. But don’t tell me or other Night Elf fans that we can’t care about the genocide victims.

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Nope. Pretty sure only you care here. Even the NE fans disagree with you. Myself included.

What exists in shadowlands does not exist in the living world. Thats why we won’t be resurecting every old character there.

Nope, it’s only yourself.

I haven’t seen a genuine night elf fan that thinks that we shouldn’t get to free the souls and that it’s fine that they were tortured and obliterated in the maw with no resolution at all.

And I’m tired of arguing about this.

what sort of resolution? you keep saying this word.

Getting freed from the maw, seeing justice done against Sylvanas and getting revived by Elune and brought back to Azeroth.

For example.

Saving the souls has nothing to do with justice against sylvanas nor are they necessary for a mass rez.
If they are raised Blizzard is going to pretend they never got killed in the first place and so the Horde would not have to answer for anything because no one actually died. So we right back where we started.

That is just as bad as “oh it was all a dream”. Azeroth is full of dead NE wisps. Just rez those.

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Yes. The souls are the first hand victims that should’ve seen justice done against their abuser.
And obviously they are necessary for a mass revival.

So you don’t care about the Night Elves, you only care about the Horde being evil and that’s why the Night Elves must suffer.
Also, the Horde still commited genocide and cheered for it, no matter what.

Nope, the genocide victims went through enough suffering, they had to be rescued instead of obliterated.

The paragraph is worded in such way that a newcomer is going to think that Darnassus is an old place that predates the Third War.


Update. It was just a case of strange wording. Another page mentions that the night elves moved the capital from Hyjal to Teldrassil. So, here’s the old capital. It also mentions that the tree was grown after the Horde had arrived at Kalimdor.


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Smallioz stop trolling Ethriel, I don’t think she has object permanence and doesn’t remember you’re on the same ‘team’ as her most of the time.