Exploring Azeroth: Kalimdor early arrivals/leaks

The elements are a part of nature.


Will they protect the rest if the elementals don’t care?

The Earthen Ring are trying, with the Cenarion Circle, to heal the corruption in Silithus.


Knowing how the elementals react to Sargeras’ sword?

I think so.

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One of the odd details about War of Thorns is that the night elf military was barely engaged in it.

The entire Horde army was mostly going up against civilians and sentinel trainees, because the night elf military was in the south. When the Horde engaged the actual night elf army, that’s part of the overwhelming defeats on every front.

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There are plenty of use who get why night elf and worgen players are mad. The thing is some of those same players want the Horde, and in some instances Horde players, to suffer in turn. This causes alot of us to just not engage with that conversation because we don’t want the drama or believe that we can’t have a reasonable conversation, especially if we feel attacked when Blizzard should have your ire.

The problem that comes is that those who do engage in that conversation are either unsympathetic to the night elf/worgen players or end up that way because they get fed up with other players wanting them to receive punishment for playing Horde. Which makes the the cycle worse because then you have reasonable night elf and worgen players thinking that Horde players don’t understand or care. It’s a vicious cycle, that won’t end because not everyone is reasonable, willing to actually have a back and forth conversation, and the few who want other players to suffer for simply being on the other side.


This is strictly my opinion. But I think most people, reasonable ones like me anyway, are mad is because lets face it. We NE and Worgen fans never got to have any sort of REAL closure for either Teldrassil or Gilneas. And that sort just…it’s a anger that just keeps festering when the horde every expansion gets whitewashed of their crimes because they found another scapegoat to pin them on.

It’s frustrating. I don’t want to horde players to suffer, but I would like at the least the option to hit back at the horde in game. That’s not too much to ask is it? :wolf:


Depends on how it’s done. I’m open to some retribution as long as the Horde isn’t demonized in it more. But too many times with the people proposing retribution they pull out revenge fantasies that put many of the horde’s crimes to shame, but want the game to treat them still as spotless and in the absolute right.

And to add to Gornur’s point. I know I’ve had too many times where I run into the problem of players who can’t seem to grasp that the story, and BFA in particular was brutal to Horde and Alliance, just in different ways. I mean, in my biased view I think the Horde was treated worse in a somewhat out game world sense in that the story has basically destroyed many of the concepts we enjoy and were originally sold on for no good reason, and I know I personally felt several times that the writes were trying to personally shame me for the story they forced on me. But as I said, I’m biased in what side of the story I enjoy, and maybe sadly I would have much preferred TB to have been in the place of Teldrassil than to get the story I was given. But I know that’s my feelings, and other players feel the other way. I just wish we could agree that it sucked all around and shouldn’t be something we fight each other over, but something we fight the writers on.


The story has been terrible to both sides. I’m aware of that. But from a worgen/alliance point of view, I’m tired of playing the Idiot Good faction just so the horde can pull off another war crime, which everyone knows they’re never going to suffer any real consequences for.

I wish there was a satisfying answer on how to give NE and Worgen fans some form of justice without making horde players worse. Again, that’s just me. We’re all biased, we all have things we love about the factions we play


It’s not. However the issue is determining what sort of hit back should be present, which is hard to determine when people have different views on how it should be done. There’s also the fact that there are Horde players who do view the Alliance having to aid the Horde into their civil wars (Darkspear Rebellion vs True Horde, Saurfang’s revolution vs Banshee Loyalists) as the hit back.

And even though I don’t see the Alliance aid as a hit back, I’m wary of the Alliance getting it because I cynically see it as Blizzard having the Alliance start the faction war, only for the Horde to still descend into evil acts and then a civil war. For alot of people, the idea of a faction war has been damaging in different ways, and our individual experiences with it have shaped our views on what is to be expected in a potential future faction war.

I firmly agree and it’s something that more people should acknowledge.

Yeah it’s a very murky situation and a perfect example of how not everyone is going to be happy.


Alliance get a playable scenario where they (led primarily by worgen with nelf aid) re-take gilneas and also wreck considerable havoc with forsaken soldiers up and down Silverpine Forest.

Horde gets a playable scenario where they either clear Stratholme or conquer Alterac for a new forsaken capital.


And who are you to decide what a “true horde fan” is?

I always love it when idiots use that same old rhetoric of “Only myself and the people who think the same as me are TRUE X’s”


Seems like a reasonable solution to me. I personally would like something like that. :wolf:

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I mean I get that, and that’s the problem I see. Blizz basically wrote the BFA story as if the Horde were an NPC faction in how over the top the crime was against the Night Elves, but didn’t change it after they realized the people play horde and they couldn’t have the Nelves follow through on the story they started and wipe us out. It was like a pretty standard fantasy starter where the villain wipes out the hero’s village/kingdom at the beginning and then the hero builds back to destroy the villain.

And from my Horde side perspective, I’m stuck on the problem that I am still majorly POed by what Blizz did to my faction, and while I get the desire for something, I am completely deadset against the idea that the Horde (and especially the Horde players) need to redeem themselves for the nonsense the writers did to us. I want my retribution in the sense of having the feeling that they understand that we weren’t sold on the WC1&2 Horde some of them love so much.

I’d be all for the Alliance being aggressive again, but not if it’s going to play out like all the other times where I get told even by the horde story that they’re in the right to do what they’re doing.


I get where you’re coming from. With BfA all blizz successfully did was divide the playerbase. Most NE and Worgen fans are like Soo…when we do get to kick the hordes teeth in so bad, they whimper even thinking of starting another war of conquest and horde players are We just wish the devs would leave us alone and let us play the honorable monsters they sold us on

I’m biased as all hell, and a worgen super fan, but y’all know that already. And I do try my best to look at the problems from your guys side, but than I get upset because I didn’t get the things I was promised too.

Only thing I think we can ALL agree on is Blizz did everyone dirty and sold us all a bag of fake goods and a bunch of lies.


Seriously, I could see an acceptible teeth kicking in scenario. It just has to be done in a way that Horde side showcases the good aspects that we joined the faction for. Let the werewolves and scary forest demons go wild, but let the Horde story feel like the underdog, give us something to protect (a big problem with UC battle in BFA) trying to hold the line while we evacuate say border farmers in Barrens, or something like that.


I would be nice if we could actually destroy the outposts in Ashenvale which the Horde used to launch their attacks to begin with. Both Splintertree and Zoram’gar should be dismantled. I dont even mind if you topple Northwatch in reply as the Alliance should not be able to maintain that position to begin with.


I don’t even know if I, as a night elf fan, need anything new to happen.

I’d just really like to have some focus on night elves for their victories for a change. Like, Darkshore Warfront. Apparently the night elves and worgen drubbed the Horde right out of the area. Alone. Awesome! Which… Is referenced in a few throwaway lines. Whereas the most recent night elf defeat is a quest chain, a mount, and two novellas.


Isn’t that the entire purpose of MG Goldshire?