Exploring Azeroth: Kalimdor early arrivals/leaks

They still marched with Horde after the burning. And they are representatives this faction now so they assume all its faults. They aren’t some random tourists.

So the burning was an accident?
The intent seemed pretty clear from top to bottom.

So we are gonna breed NEs and release them back into the wild?

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Well, they are “nearly extinct”, and how many children do you expect a night elf couple to have… probably not more than 2 or 3 if anything.
Combine that with their life expectancy of thousands of years and you have a race that - with such little numbers - can’t ever bounce back.

Their only hope was getting the souls out of the maw and having Elune revive them, but well they had to be obliterated as the final straw

The same thing happened to Blood aelves. They bounced back. They live for thousands of years as well.

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Because they were allowed to. The writers wanted them to, and they still had a city and places to go.

If the current Night Elves can only exist if the Horde feels bad for them, then that’s not really a viable option for them going forward.
The Blood Elves also saw justice done against those that wronged them, the Night Elves never did, their innocents were tortured, obliterated and they all had to watch as those that did all of this got away with this.
Such a wound can never heal if those that inflicted it get away without facing justice, and the victims had to endure the worst fate existent in wow just to be obliterated in the end.
The writers certainly don’t want the night elves to bounce back, it’s very clear after Shadowlands and I know that I’ll be proven right about this too just like I was proven right with their souls being obliterated, Sylvanas getting away etc.


Well, the Night Elves have Ashenvale.

That’s not true. The Alliance has their back.

I don’t see what justice has to do with this.
We’re just talking about their future. Also, they don’t need justice against Sylvanas for their race to exist.

You were proven wrong when you said the Night Elves would not have Ashenvale earlier in this thread.

Also, on Sorrowmoon, I told you Maiev was datamined in 9.2, and you didn’t believe me.


The Alliance isn’t constantly attacking them throughout WoW’s history.
In fact the Draenei restored the sunwell for them… So rather than actively sabotaging the BEs the Alliance helped them alot. Probably more than the Horde ever did.

Didn’t stop WoT or the burning. Why would it stop it next time?


We don’t really know that. If it’s contested, then it’s not a viable place for their civilians especially when the Horde knows how weak they currently are.

Does it? Or will the Alliance randomly disappear again like Jaina did when she could’ve used her mass teleportation skills to save civilians in Teldrassil? Or will Elune randomly turn a back to them again, send them to the maw and watch as their souls are obliterated.

I don’t see how there can be renewal without justice, if their abusers keep getting away without consequences they will never be able to move on from it.

We also still don’t know if they have it. It could very well be contested and I was right about their souls being obliterated, so they still can’t bounce back to a healthy population number.

But Maiev has nothing to do with the Night Elf souls. If Blizzard actually wanted to make things better for Night Elves, they would’ve let us free all the souls instead of having them obliterated, and that’s something that could’ve been a part of 9.2 but instead we get nothing, no mention at all and that’s the end of Shadowlands.
But well, that would require the writers to actually want the Night Elves to have a future. Which isn’t the case as we can see.

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The night elves DO have a future thanks to Tyrande. You just refuse to see it.

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No they don’t. If they did, than why did anduin refuse to march on darkshore, instead he considered the dead kingdom of stromgarde more important. Even Glenn went against anduin and took his forces to help.

It’s sad when ivar and the bloodfang pack cares more about helping the night elves than the actual alliance did.

I know ethriel can be over the top, but she does have a point that the devs have historically dunked on the only matriarchal race in game every chance they get :wolf:


I said that in response to Ethriel saying this.

Do you believe that if the Horde tried to kill the rest of the Night Elves, the Alliance would do nothing? That’s a lot different from not helping them reclaim a zone

I’m saying the alliance barely helped them. Threw them on a pumpkin farm, patted each other on the back and that was it


Why would the Kaldorei not permit it? They had no presence in Durotar to begin with. It was Quillboar land.


The Alliance never cared for the Barrens and Durotar because is wasteland with no resources. Northwatch only stands there because of the war. And because Theramore needed to watch over the Horde.

It doesn’t seem contested, and you assume the Horde wants to kill the rest of them.

I don’t know why the Alliance couldn’t save more with magic portals.

They might not all want Sylvanas to be killed. If Tyrande “chooses renewal,” others can. Also, it has nothing to do with their population.

You keep saying their souls were obliterated. They weren’t all obliterated. There’s a weekly quest to save more. Multiple Maw Walkers do it.

Why do you assume nothing will happen? Not every single thing was datamined.

Arguing about Night Elves doesn’t feel good, and their fans are right to be mad.


I just wish horde players grasped WHY night elf players and worgen players are mad. Seems like most still don’t get why



Tyrande Whisperwind
Varian and I spoke at length about the price of peace before his decision here today. I am willing to allow the Horde the use of Azshara’s lumber if they abandon Ashenvale for good. Knowing the way goblins chew through resources, we will see how long that will sustain them.
I support this peace, but I do not share the High King’s confidence. If the Horde breaks treaty to engage us again… my people will be ready.

Azshara was rented out for free with the only condition not to attack. The Horde failed. Time for the Horde to move.


I hate how “nature destruction” seems to be such a huge part of the Horde identity, when they have Druids and Shamans. Also, Blood Elves lived in harmony with the tenders in Eversong.


Azshara belonged to the Horde even before Varian made that offer. The Alliance is in no position to take that zone away from us. Leave it be and move on.

Druids can be thrown back, they appeared in the Horde quite recently and only in the tauren. Seventeen years ago, only in tauren.


Anyway. Are shamans exactly about protecting nature?