Exploring Azeroth: Kalimdor early arrivals/leaks

No, it doesn’t. The Night Elves are nearly wiped out, but that doesn’t mean the Horde intends to finish them off.

Speak for yourself. Wiping out the night elves means the Horde can finally control all the rich resources of Kalimdor.

They aren’t going to do that.

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Well some rabid nightelf posters are hellbent on the illusions that that already has happened. It would make no great effort to actually make that the truth.

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I love the Night Elves.

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I do not. They are a nuisance who hoard all the resources in northern Kalimdor for themselves while Orcs in Durotar are starving to death. They are the main source to blame for all problems the Horde ever faced.

Difference being, kalimdor night elf territory and the orcs are the nuisance that can’t stop attacking others.

The night elves owe the orcs nothing


The Orcs are only attacking due to Durotar being the crappiest waste land anyone could ever come up living inside its borders. If the Orcs had a lush land to call their home like IDK Feralas the attacks would stop in due time.

Blame thrall for that. He’s the idiot who set up shop in a desert with no resources


Well only 2 more days until we find out about how the territorial ownage of Kalimdor looks like right now. I hope the Horde keeps Ashenvale and rub it into the NEs faces. That would be sweet victory.

I blame Christie Golden and Metzen for that. They hate the Orcs and set them up for failure from the very first moment their story in WC2 ended. Now they are nothing but a shadow of their former selves. It is just sad how deep the Orcs have fallen.


Well good thing the Night Elves gave the Horde Azshara to get their ressources.

Unfortunately, doing the Horde a favour backfired horribly so if anything, the Night Elves (if they were still alive) would have learned to never do such a foolish thing again.


I think Tyrande giving Azshara to the Goblins was a horrible idea. Imagine Warcraft 3 Tyrande doing that. It’s out of character.


Durotar wasn’t originally as bad as it is now actually; it had at least one forest worth of those fat spiky trees you see here and there until Daelin clear-cut them to build his fortress near Razor Hill. Arguably if the flooded portion of it from Cata still exists that could be turned into, say, rice paddies or something.

I realize there are issues of scale to make things playable, but honestly in-game Durotar is much much nicer than as-described-in-the-books Durotar is.


Thrall settled in Duotar with the intent of the hardship serving as penance for the misdeeds of the Orcs. It was a really dumb idea, and one of the largest mistakes of the Kaldorei was permitting it to occur to begin with. Also the Horde has druids. Why dont they regrow the forests and try, you know… sustainable forestry practices? Or heck, just go south for lumber. The Kaldorei dont control most of the continent. The Orc-Kaldorei lumber conflict is artificially maintained because of their “Gameplay First” ethos.

All I see is ongoing proof that Orcs have an irrational tree hatred due to being descendants of a giant stone weeding machine. They see a tree and cannot help but cut them all down.


still a better motive than following Sylvanas’ orders


You have a point.


I’m certain Mount Hyjal will be fully under Night Elf control.

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Northern Kalimdor belongs to the Night elves. But everything south of it should be fair game free for the taking. Including Stonetalon and Feralas. If the Horde had put more pressure to these places all their resources problems could have been solved.

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Highly doubtful, not that we’d ever find it out anyway. The Night Elves in their current state don’t need that many zones anyway, they could need it though if their souls were somehow saved and revived instead of obliterated.

Stormwind has a lot of Night Elves. They could populate Hyjal and other zones.

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