Exploring Azeroth: Kalimdor early arrivals/leaks

I interpreted it as him teaching him poetry and terms he’s not really encountered before, which does not mean that those concepts don’t exist in Zekhans native tongue and are unknown to him, but rather that he does maybe not have any or much experience of those in Orcish before. As one of the examples is a term usually used by goblins during trade negotiations. He’s still young after all.
Also important to remember that while Zekhan is a shaman and should have been taught as such, he had not much experience as a diplomat before Zandalar, he was picked simply because of how he managed to rescue Talanji during a meeting.

However, if it turns out that Lorthemar was the one that fully taught him to read and write or the concept of “flowery” language then I’ll throw hands.


Or we can all just wait 3 more days or so we can finally understand what was actually written in the book. As it is we are all getting nowhere fast.

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The German translation literally says Zekhan owes his reading and writing skills mostly to Lor’themar.
I interpret that as "could read and write before but not well enough to be a book author"and that makes sense enough. He is still very young, he comes from a small village and was trained in shamanism and fighting, not poetry.

Lor’themar on the other hand is the horde’s poet laureate at least since A Moment in Verse, and Shadows Rising also confirms that he spends his leisure time mainly writing poetry. So of course his writing skills would be far superior to Zekhan’s and he is probably the best person to talk if you want to improve your grammar.

I agree that it wouldn’t be a bad thing in and of itself but yeah…
Did we really need “elf teaches troll how to read and write”?
Let’s not pretend that this won’t be new fodder for the old ( and repeatedly disproven ) prejudice that “trolls are illiterate”, same as the mention of Vol’jin’s “stench” was for “trolls have bad hygiene” :frowning_face:

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Hey, I actually loved these little details. I think it’s fun that humans think monster races are gross. Elves do too, probably.

It’s worth mentioning, tho, that humans canonically don’t smell so good to the monster races either.

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Goblins are not nice. Get that in your head.

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I’m not sure why they would care about avoiding Night elves, it’s not as if they can fight at all. It’d be a simple matter to kill them all.

They don’t want to potentially provoke a conflict and cause issues for the armistice. Night Elves killed by the Champion of the Horde would cause issues.


Not sure why it would. The Alliance has no more troops to spare to help the Night elves, what’re they gonna do? Use harsh language to chastise the Horde after they kill some more elves?

Considering the horde lost every major battle of the fourth war, provoking a already angry group of elves is a bad idea


I dunno, doesn’t sound very convincing. I’m not sure how anyone could take “angry night elves” seriously.

Maybe they just don’t want to kill Night Elves, because they aren’t heartless.

I haven’t seen any indication that the Horde sees Night elves even as sentient beings. It’s more like swatting gnats at this point. And given everything we’ve seen in the story I think I would agree with the questioning of Night elven sentience.

They didn’t seem to care about burning their women and kids alive.
Rexxar said Jaina had gone way too far.

So maybe Rexxar and the Horde are heartless when it comes to NEs?


Probably a relic from an earlier build of BFA where the Alliance actually hit the Horde back as good as they got (before they decided ‘Alliance=Anduin, and Anduin would never do that’) that somehow remained in live.


That only shows how weak the council is. A true Horde would kill their enemies without remorse. The council isnot true Horde. They are traitors who should be executed by a rising rebellion against their tyranny of peace. Down with the false council! Down with the them all!

Neither Zekhan nor Rexxar were involved in the Burning of Teldrassil, unless I am completely uninformed.

Maybe he was talking about the Purge of Dalaran?

Or maybe he got a brief glimpse through the threads of the time stream, and saw the Battle of Dazaralor.

I don’t know what he is talking about… but his heart is in the right place. He has got the right attitude. I like the cut of his jib.

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This, but with the forsaken War Machine.

Sad we only saw this in Darkshore, I wanted the forsaken to attack places in the eastern kingdoms - wanted them to win Arathi with Defiler banners.



It really is not. The Iron Horde had the most potential ever since Warcraft 2. If the warlords weren’t wasted and rejoined the playable faction instead we could have made a great rise of the Orce race once more. But this isn’t the route Blizzard went for and it is just more wasted potential. Just like with the Fel Horde. Blizzard doesn’t understand what true Horde fans want.

If the only way for the Night Elves to exist is being at the mercy of the Horde then that speaks volumes about the state of the race and its (non existent) future.