Exploring Azeroth: Kalimdor early arrivals/leaks

I patiently await your response.

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Maybe Zekhan was one of those that were not. You said it yourself, most probably are. Doesn’t mean Zekhan is part of that majority.

In Australia we have the reading writing helpline for adults that struggle to read, write or both. The phone number has become a part of Aussie Culture. 13 double 0 6 triple 5 0 6. That is 130065506.


I just rechecked Before the storm, but it was a point I couldnt forget. The passage was “SOME of those on the list were literate and wrote there own response; others dictated them to the courrier.” Imagine that, the relatively western based kingdom potentially not having a literate population.


Or maybe, while there’s plenty of possibilities that it might not be done in a bad way, the devs haven’t had the best track record on these things and haven’t earned the benefit of the doubt? I wouldn’t want to attack them over this if it’s all based on doubly translated sections like I think I saw this referred to. But I’m not going to defend it either as way too many times they’ve done that kind of stupid nonsense.


The word “flowery” came from a person’s translation on Twitter. Perhaps the correct translation is just “calligraphy?” Maybe he taught him Thalassian calligraphy, or something.


Zekhan doesn’t even need to be completely illiterate he just needs to not be literate in the Horde’s lingua franca which is Orcish

Lor’themar taught him to write Orcish because the writers wanted to tie him into the book somehow


Could even be more of a he usually writes in a way that works for front line reports, and is being taught how to write in a fashion better for diplomatic messages. We can hope it’s something like that.


Out of curiosity, do we have any examples of any of the Toll empire remains sans Zanalari retaining a written culture?

After being on the bad end of so many conflicts, they seem of regressed culturally since the height of their power, as evidenced by…well… the fact they live in ruins. Ive never really seen any evidence of writing either, I don’t think?

We saw some in Zandalar for sure, and tbh it makes me a little sad. I imagine all the troll empires used to have the sort of grandeur you see in Zandalar.


Yup there’s various questlines involving the Raventusk, Darkspear, and others demonstrating they can read and write lol


The only part of this situation I’m concerned about so far is the Lor’themar mention. Eitrigg can be used for the same purpose, he has ambassadorial experience.

There’s a shortage of Orcish teachers for the same reason there’s a shortage of Klingon scientists


And Gazlowe suddenly turning Slightly Evil Adjacent??


Goblins are generally amoral and that’s what makes people like them.


If they’re gonna replace “bad” Horde leaders with “good” ones, but make them cartoonishly evil anyway, what’s the point? That letter sounds nothing like Gazlowe.


I am pretty sure they used Zekhan because he is popular and zappyboi.

They hoped to cash in on that popularity and sell a lot of books. That is all it is; a cash grab.


That’s a different situation than what I’m referring to, though I don’t know how to justify that.

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Intimidate the goblins loyal to Gallywix and his methods. Will it fit?

He sounds like a goblin in charge. The thing with goblins are they do have to project a degree of mob boss like power.

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Gazlowe might not of even written that letter TBH. He is a busy guy, so perhaps he just had a secretary write it up and he signed it and sent it on its way.

Thats how I am gonna settle the dissonance I have between the tone and his normal behavior.


I viewed that as Gazlowe simply being intimidating in attempt to prevent any shenanigans towards Rexxar and Zekhan. Like either goblins being the stereotypical greedy merchant or to keep anyone with ill feelings from Gazlowe leaving the Steamwheedle to the Horde from acting on it, using the duo as proxies.