Exploring Azeroth: Kalimdor early arrivals/leaks

My statement stands

And if it’s “flowery language”


Not everyone in a civilization can write or read. I don’t know why you’re honestly struggling with this. It’s mind boggling.

And the flowery language is probably elven.


This is the point I was trying to get at, the Darkspear are not as old as the Zandalari. The Zandalari are more about scholarly pursuits while the Darkspear aren’t. Much of what the Darkspear do don’t have reading and writing as a priority. Shamanism activities such as dealing with the elements don’t really need to invole reading or writing. The Darkspear probably teach through word of mouth and oral tradition.


According to whomst? What about the various inscriptions all over the starting zone? The scrolls and tablets? The many many quests about horde troll quest givers reading things and being worried?

Weird how all of a sudden the Darkspear are illiterate and this is a tolerable idea to y’all lol

Were the peasants of the Eastern Kingdoms framed as illiterate at any point in that book? (Spoiler, they weren’t)

Why do the writers go out of their way to affirm even a modicum of illiteracy on the Troll character and total illiteracy on the Orc?

Does this seem like good world building to y’all? Cuz it ain’t.


So…because a single troll can’t read or write,suddenly every troll can’t?

Can you seriously stop acting offended for one second and realize how dumb you sound right now?


Yes because he’s representative of and portraying the race, the point of these books is to demonstrate the updated status quo

Why would a modern Darkspear Troll be illiterate? Why is it the Orc and Troll are explicitly chosen to be framed as such when none of the Alliance races in Exploring EK were treated that way even when discussing the farming/peasant zones?

Why is Gazlowe all of a sudden talking like Gallywix about “owning people” when he was pro-union repeatedly in prior characterizations?

Why do they not have the care to correctly use Habitual Be in the English language previews we’ve gotten?

Why are the Draenei blaming the Horde for what the Burning Legion allied Blood Elves did in Bloodmyst?

How does this make sense lol


Baal’s meltdowns over it are probably more interesting than the book itself tbh


Everything he says is true


He’s being offended for the sake of being offended. I respect him, but he does have a bad habit of making mountains out of mole holes.


How do you not clock this is another step in a prolonged insane pattern of layering weird anachronistic racist trope on Horde races with almost every passing book and patch?

They can’t even be bothered to use Habitual Be correctly in the 4 English pages we got!


Because one single troll not being able to read or write isn’t racist. You think everything you don’t like is somehow a major offense


The inscriptions and tablets were probably made by older Trolls who have managed to live long enough to be able to make those, which isn’t very common. It doesn’t bother me because it’s thematically appropriate, but if I’m forgetting some information that makes all this a retcon then I’ll gladly accept that I’m wrong. Having everyone be as smart and knowledgeable as each other makes for a boring setting. In a setting where many different races are fighting for their lives on a daily basis, there may often be more important priorities than reading and writing. It’s like expecting every actor to have a degree in chemical engineering, they can’t all be Dolph Lundgren.


While true I do recall a few instances of this being prominent mentioned enough in lore. Usually when it comes to the pesantry of Warcraft.

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Why would a modern Darkspear troll formally trained in Shamanistic arts within Darkspear tradition which undoubtedly involved Darkspear rituals inscribed upon tablets and scrolls on Zandali we have previously interacted with in prior questing be illiterate?

Why would it be Lorthemar, who barely has time for Thalyssra, have time to be his proper language tutor?

Why would flowery language not exist in Zandali?

Why would he be illiterate even during his time as official ambassador to Zandalar?



Why does it matter? He can’t read or write, it’s not a big deal.

Because the entire race is literally built upon cultures I belong to and all of this is a ridiculously affirmation of weird racist tropes of illiterate BIPOC in 2021 when there’s mountains of in-game lore that demonstrates otherwise and further trivializes Horde lore into caricatures


People not being able to read or write isn’t racist. Get off your I’m perpetually offended horse for once. Not everyone in your culture or mine is literate.

Like get over yourself


Answer literally any of my questions, including the Gazlowe ones, and try to justify the narrative choices.

Is this good? Is this good fulfilling Horde world building?

Or is it reaffirming caricatures?


not only should zekhan have been able to read and write but he should have personally invented language and written a political treatise that revolutionizes all of civilization


When you’re done being perpetually offended and want to have a actual discussion on it. Than I’ll give it the proper answer it deserves.