Exploration Mode - All Instances - 40 mans

Like Nonoa’s topic Explorer Mode for Dungeons & Raids

I want to express some points from an older suggestion topic brought up here:

Exploration Mode allows players to get a look at a Dungeon, Raid, Island Expedition, PvP Instance, Torghast, Ember Court, MoP Scenario Instances, or any instance that has ever been created in WoW.

Not only to appreciate the work of the artists and dungeon masters who designed them, but for players to immerse themselves in parts of the game that are easily overlooked due to the rush of each instance.

There’s plenty of Easter Eggs, and tidbits of lore hidden as gems within each of these instances and can be so easily missed. Having access to these instances freely also allows Role-players to play with and reimagine the environment for their own personal campaigns and story-telling.

It would open so many new doorways to RPers who wish to flourish their storytelling with new environments to play in and immerse themselves within.

Most especially if they can do this without a severe limit to who can join the instance with them.

I postulate former 5-mans should be opened up to 40-mans for Exploration Mode exclusively, to allow players who create campaigns to invite a sizeable group with them into the instance.

I also put forth that Exploration Mode should be togglable for NPC’s to have aggro removed and to also have a toggle for NPC’s to be removed all-together.

As DM’s and Rper’s alike enjoy having visuals for mobs and bosses within the story they’re trying to create.

As put forth previously, this theoretical mode is not only serviceable to the immersion of Role-players, it can be a Teaching Tool for M+ and Raiders who wish to teach their groups pathing without needing to wipe the Instance ahead of time. Visualization is one of the best teachers when it comes to learning an new instance.

Mythic+ runners could run their group through Exploration Mode to teach them paths. Raids could run new members through their strats. Make it so duels can be initiated in Exploration Mode, and PvPers could fight in new and interesting locations!