Explorer Mode for Dungeons & Raids

Good morning! I have seen Explorer Mode as a major ask throughout the years via multiple communities. It would be such a boon for roleplayers, content creators and loremasters to have these places to frequent should they wish. I cannot imagine it would be difficult to implement, given the content (raids/dungeons) is already created.

Please read and consider the below. It would be a massive win and morale boost for the often-overlooked first group (roleplayers) as it directly impacts what they do in the game with their subscription, and provides vibrant options.

What is Explorer Mode? (FFXIV Wiki Explanation)
“Explorer Mode allows players to explore previously completed dungeons freely. Using Explorer Mode, players can take their time to enjoy the scenery of their favorite dungeons with no enemies or obstacles to ruin their fun. It allows players to revisit dungeons in their completed state. With this mode enabled, a player can mount up and ride around the dungeon. And with no hostile creatures to bar their path, a player can roam and take screenshots to your heart’s content.”

Why & Who?
Incorporating an Explorer Mode into World of Warcraft’s dungeons and raids would provide an exceptional opportunity for roleplayers to expand their activities, allow players to fully immerse themselves in the game’s lore and visuals, and foster content creation for machinima and videos/screenshots in general. Ultimately for roleplayers, it would enhance the roleplayer experience and provide a more diverse range of areas for players to explore and enjoy in their own storylines and crafted campaigns.

Groups of Players Who Would Enjoy an Explorer Mode: Roleplayers, Content Creators, Loremasters & More

Roleplayers thrive on immersive environments to bring their characters and stories to life. By offering an Explorer Mode, players will be free to explore content without the constraints of clearing the dungeon/raid beforehand if they already have an achievement for said content. This feature would open up a vast array of new areas for roleplayers to organize events, engage in character interactions and showcase a creative use of these new locations for their craft. It would significantly expand the possibilities for roleplaying communities in World of Warcraft.

Most recently, my guild had to clear out an Uldir before starting our weekend campaign. Because of this, bosses had to be killed in specific places so as not to interrupt the event planned (IE A dead boss randomly sitting by a Titan console we want to use in the event, and so on and so forth). It is often difficult because the bosses melt quickly with a full, max-leveled group going ham on a deprecated boss. Furthermore, it is not an efficient use of anyone’s time if no one desires loot or boss kills but the environment of the raid.

It would be fantastic not to go through the above hurdles. My proposed method of implementation:

  1. MODE ADDITION: Add a mode that would appear in addition to the dropdown of Normal, Heroic and Mythic.
  2. CURRENT CONTENT RESTRICTIONS: The mode shall not appear for any raids in the current expansion UNLESS the person’s account has cleared that dungeon or raid before. That way there is no unfair advantage gained in raiding.
  3. DEPRECATED CONTENT: Remove the requisite of having previously cleared the dungeon or raid if it is NOT from the current expansion.

Wrap-Up & Conclusion
Please consider adding an Explorer Mode on behalf of the roleplay community and content creators alike, as well as lore enjoyers who would love to adventure a raid and appreciate its homage to Warcraft’s decades-long storyline. The amount of diverse locations of the dungeons and raids constructed in the game is insurmountable and would add so much content for these groups of individuals, and more.

Thank you for reading. Shorel’aran, friends! :pray: :dove:


It would be interesting to see this mode disregard original group size as well. Allow for an entire raid group to enter a dungeon while this mode is active. Could make for some really cool opportunities (just from the top on my head - Deadmines, Stockades, Scholomance, Stratholme)


This would be a major boon with the Explorer Mode.

Love this!! Imagine the large Stormwind Guard RP guilds getting to use Stockades with more than 5 people. They can finally have the HQ for RP they’ve always wanted.

There are so many examples I can use, all of this would lead to major gains for the RP community.


Soooooo… This is going to be interesting. Your topic is tickling me because you are leaning in on something I’ve thought of, as well as actually done in the past.

I’ve always thought it could be interesting if you could seek out a Loremaster/Lorewalker/Explore League/Reliquary member (Who is outside the raid or dungeon would be depending on the dungeon’s theme and content) to ask them about the story at X location. This way, you’ll be taken into the content and join the ‘champions’ who are described in the stories of having handled these places - sometimes you might be wearing an illusion as it might’ve been the Horde or Alliance who took the final kill.

You would take on the dungeon/raid’s problem, and there can be multiple tiers of it depending on the stories (I.e. Deadmines (Edwin VanCleef version, or Vanessa VanCleef version).

Among the ‘faceless champions/heroes’ the storyteller would follow you. and tell you the story of the battle that you experience, and give lore points as to the character if there are any, or some fresh commentary which could help in building out the lore.

The rewards from this system should be scaled to the current content but less than what it would be for having a full group/raid doing it. The best reward should always be given from cooperation with other players, and for that to enable it would mean 3 out of 5 in the Heroic dungeon should be players, or 7 out of 10 (10man raiding), 15 out of 25 (25 man raiding) etc.

*Vendor prices of course increased to the same level of a random world epic.
**Disenchanting/Scrapping the item will grant you old version materials.
***Lockouts should be available for all the content to avoid mass farming.