I got lucky in the original mage tower for prot warrior, I got killed on like the 4th annihilate or something at 1% and the npcs took kruul down :o
Completed mage tower in Legion, can easily/reliably get to P2 with Kruul, but I cannot down Kruul at all. It is way, way overtuned.
People who think it’s at all similar forgot that you could build up a ton of gear in Legion to eventually make the challenges much easier. This is like defeating the mage tower on week 1 of Legion original release.
I disagree with this, I haven’t beat it but at this point the netherspawn aren’t my biggest issue, I’m mostly dealing with them fine. Save your roar and use it right as they finish their aoe cast but before the first tick, timing is tricky but when you do this it prevents them from recasting and you’re free to kill them mostly at your leisure. I try not to use orbs if possible but the first orb or two will despawn before p2 anyway so sometimes I use them to easily bring my hp up to 100.
Otherwise, contrary to most people I’ve seen the most success using resto affinity. I couldn’t get thrash to reach across his circle with balance when I tried and the interrupts are easy enough without typhoon, plus when i skull bash I can get a free thrash on him for bonus dps. Before and after each wave of spawns I try to pop a regrowth/rejuv combo on myself which immediately steals the threat off Velen and keeps me topped off as well. Resto affinity also means I can take stun over hotw for extra stall on annihilate(in theory) My main issue at this point is, as mentioned, P1 takes so long that by P2 I’m overwhelmed by infernals. That and I’m struggling with these shove bars that are just wildly annoying, but that feels like a learning curve more than a scaling issue. Hopefully if and when they fix the scaling I’ll be able to get to P2 faster and it’ll be more manageable without the infernals. Anyway this is what seems to be working the best for me atm, thought I’d share it since a lot of people are still struggling with the standard recommendations.
Edit: Oh, and also I got the hymnal of the path trinket from the world quest in bastion today. I’d check if it’s still up if you don’t have it, it makes a huge difference. It’s a big dps and survivability increase and sometimes seems to just one-shot the eyes. Also heard decanter is good but I haven’t rng’d into that one yet.
Given that the original tank challenge got nerfed 3 times, 4 times if you are pally, it would seem that it was originally tuned for tight numbers checks. Whether it was intentional or not at first we don’t know.
Hey there, thanks for the feedback. Good luck with your strat!
I was saying this situationally.
However, when Variss gets to lower health, you can start to prioritize saving an orb.
The orbs will spawn every 30 seconds or so. It is helpful to drop a marker on them as they spawn, so you know what one spawns first.
Sure, I wish there was a sort of visual indicator for how much time was left on the orbs too. Would be helpful.
I can get myself to Phase 2 now quite steadily. Took quite a bit of practice.
However, RNG Is horrible. I can’t get myself to save more than 1 rune going into Phase 2.
Best attempt was at 16%, while most were at 24-26%. I get 1 shot with punch at 3 stacks though Survival instincts. The only reason I made it to 16% that one time, is because I had both SI+Barkskin for 70% DR. On the 4th punch, however, I had no CD’s left whatsoever.
Phase 2 needs a severe nerf.
Update; Some Helpful macros to assist you with your attempts:
Setting Focus:
/target Inquisitor Variss
Interrupt Macro:
/cast [@focus,exists,nodead][@target] Skull Bash
Tormenting Eye/Moonfire:
/target Tormenting Eye
/cast Moonfire
The orbs will spawn every 30 seconds or so. It is helpful to drop a marker on the first one that spawns, so you know what one de-spawn first.
/Worldmarker [@cursor] 1
Go get the cheat death tank trinket from the second boss in Nighthold. Can run it on LFR/Normal/Heroic/Mythic if RNG isn’t in your favor. Helps a lot to be able to essentially eat one Annihilate without fear of dying. Which if you’ve got him to 5%ish, you totally have it.
You got your blue post last night, nerfs incoming
Yup! guess we will see what exactly they change.
Boo! I wish they would leave it. I got to p3 a bunch of times yesterday and am really enjoying it. They just nerd to make it always available and not nerf it. Let people prog on it
No phase 3 in the guardian tower.
Just because one spec may feel right, or appropriately challenging, doesn’t mean that all are.
Source: multiple runs on almost all classes.
Typo sorry meant p2.
I’m going it as guardian. Apparently one of the harder ones? Idk I didn’t play legion.
I’m loving it though.
Definitely is!
Same here, good luck with it mate!
Not holding my breath for the tuning passes, but, has anyone else noticed that the infernal punt is somewhat inconsistent? I’ve had at least one punt where I was sure I was at a sufficient distance, and I’ve had instances where I was JUST running out of the punt and was certain I was about to become Flying Bear, but didn’t.
Does that HotW strat really work? Right now I’m operating on 4 year old muscle memory from back when. It really REALLY bugs me that Bear Tartare doesn’t seem to work in there, nor the SL speed buff food…I keep listening for the fwoosh sound when I kill an eye or a nether horror, nothing. That speed buff food was really good, especially on prot pally if memory serves.
after this last hotfix (which was totally unrelated to that fight) the punt can happen right before it supposed to come out. Idk what they broke but before the infernals would come out you would see the punt charging no big deal move out the way. Now they can be charging it up while still reanimating and as soon as they come out punt AND turn to face you. I can’t even get to kruul now and when I do I get insta punted because the 2 infernals I manage to only have will do that. I’m half tempted to kite em near the edge of the room and let em die over there.
Does blizzard realize that a lot of people are coming back JUST for mage tower? These people aren’t practiced up and they’re not going to have the patience to wipe for 40+ hours to get a form that should frankly be available to every druid (at least in some capacity).
Why should it be available to every druid?