I’m not saying the particular colors/skins of MT should be free, those can remain ‘exclusive’ - but the “wearbear” form should be available to every druid. Druids don’t get quite the same value out of transmog like other classes, so I think giving them access to these types of forms is important.
I think druids should get more transmog in general but I didn’t think everyone should be available to everyone.
most mail sets are a hot mess. I can count the exceptions with one hand. The tower set is not one of them.
But it’s still a trophy Xmog, so maybe I’d add one of the shoulderpads to a better Xmog set, just for bragging rights.
Seems Nether Horror change was reverted. all HP is still the same.
It’s a tanking challenge, tanks shouldn’t need to play moonkin for a TANKING CHALLENGE
How dare you talk logic