Experience the Radiant Echoes Event With New Changes!

Khadgar put it up on top of the portal as a joke


I’ll take “what is exaggerating as heck” for $200, alex.


Now this is much better. Enjoying myself so far with this updated version!


Countdown was at 0 seconds, then reset to 59 minutes 59 seconds with no event thanks blizz great update i’ll set my alarm to log back in another hour from now.

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It moves to the next zone. Kind of like the grand hunts.

This one is MUCH better, but we went from having to do 6 memories to 16-17 ones lul.
Oh well, can’t win them all.

Your in the wrong zone

a bug still up, if you die in middle fight and if you release spirit or wait until events/rares/boss die, you got zero rewards.

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It’s a move in the right direction, but these bosses are still just absurd damage sponges. It’s not fun to do the same basic rag mechanics for 10-15 minutes.

Thanks for listening to us cry and complain, Blizz! It works, it really does! :smiley:

Good job and thanks this is much better

Now remember Blizzard this is where you learn from your mistakes. You have 10 xpacs of experience, use that for the Midnight prepatch. Its really not rocket science.

wow that’s cool can yall fix the new travesty of a character menu too?

I wish I could experience it but I’m getting “World server is down” and lag even when I’m not in a event zone.

Thanks so much for making these changes. Definitely excited to try them out when I log in a bit later today.

Just did the event and am extremely pleased with the changes. Thank you!

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Need a fix. Started the Remembered Lich King encounter at 22:23:46. It’s now 22:33:06 and he’s at 15.40m/39.53m HP.

Nerf boss health.

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And damage, pretty difficult to stay alive leveling up here.

Ironically several of us called this out on the (admittedly short) PTR period. Guess it went live with no changes

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Guessing it is highly dependent on who all is there, because none of my boss fights have been longer than a few minutes.