Experience the Radiant Echoes Event With New Changes!

Experience the Radiant Echoes Event With New Changes!

Confront the memories of Azeroth during the updated pre-expansion event and collect Residual Memories to purchase new items to add to your Warband collection. We've made changes to the event so that players have less down time between stages and more opportunities to gain rewards.

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Thanks I will try to get the heirloom ring

yay that exciting, so I just finished the boss in searing gorge yet its not going back to phase 1?

Will these changes only take place when the zone rotates to the next one?

The first updated version of the event should start in about 8 minutes.


Alright, awesome!

Current in game timer still shows 1 hour 7 minutes, will update once it goes live

thank you so much for the fast response i appreciate everything you guys do <3


“ Bosses can also rarely drop additional pieces of gear.”

Please tell me you didn’t buff the event and in the same breath nerf the item drop rate from the guaranteed (when it didn’t bug and give no loot OR currency) one piece before…


I guess we’ll find out after this first updated cycle, huh?

Such a welcomed change. This was the first event where I was just like “Meh” about and decided to just do other things instead of engaging with it. Really enjoy this “Listen to community feedback” Blizzard.


I just tested it on the PTR and it felt amazing! The changes are really nice and what we would expect from a proper prepatch event.


That sounds like they could potentially drop more than one thing, which would be nice. We’re about to find out though.

thanks Kaivax <3 we appreciate everything you do for the community!

Also, I guess this explains the removal of the original thread for the event. That’s probably around the time they started spinning up the new version.

Yeah, these things tend to take some time. I’m honestly shocked it took them less than a week.

Is the boss health pool still high? I noticed on my last run it took a while between the lag and people afking at the boss after tagging it… Made it last a bit too long imo, especially if the 90 minute downtime no longer going to be a thing.

the rapid deployment of changes is truly a testament of blizz’s resolve on listening to player feedback and taking it seriously…


I’m not sure how good or bad these changes are going to be. But how did someone not see how crazy screwed up this event was before it went live.


In reality, someone probably hit the “oh crap” button and said that this needs to happen yesterday. It was not a good look, and they were getting a lot of bad press. :sweat_smile: