Experience the Radiant Echoes Event With New Changes!

These changes will be fantastic once the playerbase realises the events not over and doesnt leave after the boss dies the first time… XD

I only got one kill so far, but the final boss didn’t drop any gear for me this time. I’ll see what the next one gives me. I did kill it once earlier before the changes so…time will tell. Did get random drops from 2 of the other memory objectives though.

Thanks Blizz. I feel vindicated after people gave me a hard time for saying the pre patch was in bad shape yesterday. Look forward to trying it out when I get home.

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(New Alt) My first LK kill got me a ring and a soulbound piece of gear for first kill, I just finished my second kill, no gear loot but the currency is building up FAST to be able to purchase what doesn’t drop. I’m only in it for the mog.

We can keep cycling around the zone over and over until it moves if we want to.

No matter what time of day, a zone will be up.

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Gotcha. Might just be random then.

Possibly, I’m not entirely sure, I’m ok with random for loot, currency so far is guaranteed on each kill.

From my experience on the PTR, and someone else noting the same thing on the thread, they did indeed nerf drop rates into oblivion.

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I can’t say that thrills me, but I guess if we’re swimming in currency then it doesn’t matter much.

There seems to be an issue with the mini events not having bars pop up if you’ve done the event, and some events not giving any rewards if done before.

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Yeah, I noticed that with the Lumber event. Killing Jaraxxus for the third time though and it seems fine.

Also having major issues with tagging. They seem to be capping out way too fast.

1 step forward, 77 steps backwards.

Retail tagging rules on event mobs is dumb - seeing a sea of grey mobs is not fun.

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yea, luckily it only applies to normal mobs, elites and up are open tag

Yeah, it looks like some mini events are randomly borked. Still, I guess this isn’t in a terrible state given they only started testing a few hours ago and pushed it live. :sweat_smile:

I’ve had many elites go grey on me.

Good catch. I’ve eradicated that little leftover.


I think sometimes they just don’t activate properly when you enter the area. I noticed that a few times and moving away then coming back got it to trigger properly for me.

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Just went through the new and improved Radiant Echos Event and it is GREAT. The old one was not worth your time, but this one? It is more than worth the time if you need some 480 gear!
Good Job!

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Now this is a pre patch event
tho the searing gorge portal just dropped me from 100ft in the air in Hillsbrad.