Experience the Radiant Echoes Event With New Changes!


The Remembered Lich King fight lasted from 22:23 to 22:41. That is RIDICULOUS.

And because the boss health is so incredibly high, we got a TON of adds, and that means we had to fight the boss AND lag.

Nobody’s sticking around for another run.

Yeah, they may want to retune the boss health regardless of one’s experiences. That is beyond excessive, especially since they made the whole “repeatable for an hour” thing a major sell for the rework.

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Repeatable for an hour, and half that time is on the boss. lol

much better. i don’t think the boss needed the health boost (the lag makes the fight long enough as it is) but it is much improved.

just gotta figure out a rotation with my alts so they can get their dailies done… :+1:

Got my heirloom at 6:00. I’ve got about 9000 currency (each) on 2 toons right now. I just want the 2 mounts and 3 pets, don’t care about anything else. Looks like it’ll be pretty easy with the changes.

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could be, yeah. Just needs to stop exponentially scaling at some point sooner than it currently is.

Did they fix the lag? Boss fight was unplayable when I first tried it a couple days ago.

Trash mobs still only dropping one, or two echoes :rofl: And the dailies being one per character/account is lame also. And for titans sake make items, and currency for this event account bound. Some of us out there don’t give a rat’s rear end about the warbands gimmick.

So far, so good. I played for about two hours just now on Stormrage without any noticeable lag.

So much better than before. The lag is still bad though.

I like the updates as well. Feels more like an event from prior expansion launches now.

Thank you for these changes. MUCH better :+1:

You’ll have to be patient with them, they have about as much talent as the Secret Service protection detail for former president Trump. :100:

Semper Fi! :us: :ukraine:

But they are account bound? You can literally click on the currency on another character and hit transfer and steal it from any other toon. And you can mail the BOEs without having to touch the bank. Just like it used to be.


I like this version of the event. The only thing I really would like to see changed is the ilvl of gear for lower levels. It seems way too low I think I’m getting ilvl 13 gear when my heirlooms are ilvl 35. It’s not a major thing, but wasn’t sure if the scaling was as intended.

This is the only thing I have noticed, until level 65 I believe, the “Recruit” gear is TERRIBLE compared to what you already have

It’s fixed itself… kinda.
Just ran one and if there was even half the crowd there had been before I’d be surprised.

Two things I noticed tonight that had me questioning if I’d bother doing any more.

Groups are going in, spam tagging the area (locking you out from getting a tag), rolling the event and moving on so you get nothing for showing up, feels like you are wasting your time.

Second: last boss now has WAY too much health, Lich King took us close to 10 minutes just to burn him down, 5 minutes is fine, ten is pushing it, this isn’t a raid, he doesn’t drop loot. Sure it’s KINDA ok now, but in a week? Ain’t nobody got time for that. Have fun trying to kill him with 3 people and it takes 30 minutes.

Just as a heads up, the changes might need tweaked down the line. I know pleasing a loud group of people that don’t know how pacing is nice, but the 90-60-30 minute pacing planned before would have kept the event relevant longer giving people stuff to do leading up to the expansion.

The increased frequency earlier will likely lead to people getting everything they want, or getting burnt out much sooner, so the groups running the content will rapidly reduce in size. That will make the final phase take longer and possibly lead to overlapping, its already taking 30-40 minutes on average to clear already instead of the 10 or so it took before the patch. Once overlapping starts people will start getting half groups making runs take even longer.

I’m expecting rather soon we will see that happen, which will either lead to people skipping the final phase or just not running the event. I could be wrong of course, if people are happy thats great but its something to keep an eye on.

Potential fixes if these issues occur could be offering other incentives for people that already got what they wanted to come back, maybe in the two weeks leading up to the expansion, or reworking the enemies to be able to be cleared by the smaller groups running it.

I’m glad those people are happy about the changes, it practically just gave away everything because it was easy to run at the beginning, but just considering how it will play out in the future seeing as this was supposed to be entertainment leading up to the expansion and its already almost done.