Experience the Radiant Echoes Event With New Changes!

So Ragnaros just despawned at 50% health. Is that part of the intended changes?

Probably due to the change going live in 5 seconds.

nothing is perfect, so it’s good to see that they are able to pivot so quickly and have an agile approach to dev in that they can deploy changes like this so quickly…

let’s be real, this is night and day from the shadowlands days…and bodes really well for the future of TWW.


Oh yeah, when they are motivated, amazing things can happen. They just have a tendency to rest on their laurels.

Just a heads up, there’s still a piece of text from the previous version of the event that might be confusing for people to read.

Please note that once the boss is defeated by players, Stage 4 will begin and the boss will no longer be available to kill for the quest completion until the event begins in the zone again. Bosses can also rarely drop additional pieces of gear.

Once the boss is defeated by players the event will return to stage 1, spawning new memories to fight.

The part in italics should be removed.

Thanks for the changes!

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So wait, how many memories must be cleared for a boss to appear? we been clearing a lot non stop they just keep spawning new memories

Now only lingering memories nodes, no boss

Oops. Someone forgot to edit that part out in their haste. lol

this guy patch notes

It shifted to Dragonblight, not to Onyxia if you are there.

Let the farming commence! Woo

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Which… wut… the memories were in Dustwallow

Edit: thanks friend, its accurate info, was just a bit surprised!

At least on my server, it shifted to Duskwallow for like 2 minutes, then fully switched to Dragonblight.

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On Turalyon, it says Dragonblight now.

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Dustwallow decided to completely bug out and it shifted to Searing Gorge, laying odds these changes will cause the event to bug until they do a server reset.

The mobs still only drop 1 currency. So painful. This might need another pass.

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I wouldn’t complain, but the other gains offset that by a large margin.

Credit where it’s due: this event is actually pretty fun now that I can, y’know, participate.

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Love the changes, now I have had a chance to get in game and try them.

No wondering if you are going to miss the boss.

New alt, first time through it. 5279 currency in less than 15 minutes and one Boss - LK.

This has also eliminated some/most actually, of the lag we were experiencing on busy servers.

I’m more than happy to continue farming to get all I want now.

Massive improvement.

Thank you for listening!

Edit: 7110 - a couple of activities and another LF kill, yeah, this works much better!

Final Edit: 3rd and final LK kill for me on that toon and I now have just over 10K currency, enough for a pet.

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And so the farming begins.


Hoping this means they shifted it but now allow multiple kills of the boss for rewards. ie you get full drops off the same boss if you do it multiple times, but only a daily quest reward. That shift from weekly to daily is so huge I don’t think the drop matters much and would be a net gain no matter what.