Expand beard options to lady dwarves / dark Iron dwarves

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I meanā€¦ thatā€™s not growing hairā€¦

Also give a warning. That is just creepy.

Color changing contacts be likeā€¦


So female dwarves just magnet their beards onto their amalgamation of earthen elements if it makes peeps feel better?

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You can

You can itā€™s called a tattoo and tanning

One of the most common surgeries

Ehhh yes and no, if we are talking about how one presents themselves itā€™s perfectly fine to argue.

Ah, you do it for tactical advantage, survival of the fittest in this day and age.


Thatā€™sā€¦ not actually changing your eye colorā€¦

A lot of people also can not wear contacts.

I donā€™t agree with kelliste but letā€™s make valid arguments.

Maybe? I am a bit confused what you mean by this.


If this creeps you out, I cannot fathom your fear of people putting on hats.

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I knew there would be trolls in here. Not shocked to see who they are, either. GD gonna GD Fuzz. :man_facepalming:t2:


Iā€™m just being silly. The growing vs. not growing hair comment seemed like you were poking fun, so I ran with it.

No I cant, thats not how biology works. My eye color is what it is. You cant change it.

No, I cannot change my skin color.

No, I cant choose my nose shape. This is where you just dont understand that you cant just do something because you want to. My nose shape is what it is, its what I was born with.

Its a bad argument. Bunny ears isnt giving your character actual bunny ears, its a cosmetic additive.

Yes, survival of the fittest and not just an annoyance of hair being in my eyes, neck being hot, its either tactical or fashion based. Those are the only options!

Add the beards. And while youā€™re at it, add some mullet options for every race and body type. Options, plural. Thereā€™s no one mullet to rule them all.


In game yes. Agree. Irl? Not really. Maybe surgically but itā€™s quite dangerous and rarely done. In the future it might be possible.

Thisā€¦ is questionable logic.

Wellā€¦ technically itā€™s just a healthy thing to do. In addition to social acceptance.

Did you see that manā€™s freaky haircut?! :fearful:

No, i get that. Just trying to figure out the details of the silliness. Iā€™m a bit clueless at times.

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Iā€™ll make a human rogue with a mullet and call him Gacmyver.

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Where a pony tail.

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Add the tinkerer class with mullets so this guy can make a real Gacmyver!


Thatā€™s a hassle. Can also damage your roots.

Contouring is magic.


Makeup is nice and all, but it hardly actually changes the actual shape of your nose.

Surgery is more accurate.

I mean what do the roots matter if bald is the tactical move. Also a pony takes five seconds, cmon.

That solves absolutely nothing. Ive had long hair. It sucks sleeping with it, washing it, it getting caught on somethingā€¦ what does this even have to do with what I was talking about? Bunny ears = cosmetic. Its something you can go out and buy, you cant go out and just pick your actual ears.