Expand beard options to lady dwarves / dark Iron dwarves

Fair point.

Not for me! :sob:

Getting it secure but without too much tug is a struggle for me!!

Make up in general allows us to mitigate the asymmetrical flaws of our faces. No, it doesnā€™t change the face structurally in a biological sense. But it does allow us to change the lines of light and shadow so that we gain a more balanced and aesthetically pleasing look, if we know what weā€™re doing.

By changing the light and shadow, you change the perceptual/visual bone structure and shape, until the makeup comes off. Some make up artists can actually build facial contours with stage makeup, which is more putty like than our usual products. Youā€™d be amazed what a little clay bondo and some blush can do.

I uhā€¦ personally donā€™t care for illusions.

D: Is the pony too small? Stressing your bangs too much? If second you may want to partner a hair clip.

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Hair clips are niceā€¦ but everyone makes fun of me when I use them.

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Mullets are an abomination! This must NEVER be added!

Tell that to the rest of society. Iā€™d 1,000% love to run around makeup-less and still be taken seriously. For some reason humans prefer a tidy business lady with ultra straighted hair in pantsuit or skirt with good makeup over a jeans and tshirt swamp goblin wearing a baseball cap or hair looped up in a bun. But, I digress.

Back to dwarf girls having beards!

Your character has a soul patch, possibly the tackiest facial hair there is. You have no room to criticize the glory that is the mullet

I feel like weā€™re jumping from one extreme to the other hereā€¦

Ofc a mullet lover would be on the absurd soulpatch hate bandwagon. Also itā€™s a goatee. Itā€™s just a thin connection to the rest of the beard.

The goatee is on your chin, im talking about the hair under your bottom lip that perfectly matches a fedora

A full goatee includes that hair under the lip. This hatred for facial hair directly under the lip is absolutely silly, and has nothing to do with fedoras or beard of the neck.

9/10 times a guy with a soul patch not only has a collection of fedoras, but also vapes and blows the fattest clouds.

Add to this, isnā€™t it just an illusion for me, a woman, to shave, wax, or pluck my facial hair? Itā€™s a physical illusion, but the reality is that I still have a beard (goatee for me) because it grows back?

Another words free the beards!
And the mullets!!!

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I have never heard of this and demand proof!

You must be the 1/10! The proof, as they say, is in the pudding. And I just picked up some Snack Packs

Yep. Clean, clear, flawless skin free of hair and blemish is pretty often an illusion. Babies do get some pretty prime skin at times, but by 3ish years the environment and biology starts taking hold. Including pock marks from chicken pox. There are some people out there blessed with excellent genetics lottery. The rest of us sink hours and thousands of dollars into our beauty routines to flounder along with what we got to the best of our ability. Even if we donā€™t have to use make up - the creams, moisturizers, sunscreens, mild/special facial cleansers, exfoliation, masks, etc. itā€™s a boat load of stuff.

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Are we really comparing genuine hygiene and hair removal to adding product to hide what is actually there?

I am quite familiarā€¦

I think youā€™ve just had bad puddingā€¦

I listed them separately for a reason. They are indeed different things. Peopleā€™s tastes, and sensibilities regarding facial hair on women in the real world, are how they are and likely always will be. Would that we could change it by simply calling it archaic. Thankfully, in fantasy, facial hair on dwarf women is accepted.