Expand beard options to lady dwarves / dark Iron dwarves

You can’t reason with a troll, I’m not sure why people are bothering lol They demand evidence but call it fake. Doesn’t matter what you show them. They’re getting the attention they want from this and they think they’re winning because of it.

Some people just didn’t get enough hugs as kids. It’s sad.


I am so saving your post because this is at least a half dozen threads right now.

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My solution has been to just not even engage and make liberal use of the Ignore List. Has vastly improved my time on these forums.



picking an earthen dwarf is literally a hard nerf in every aspect for every class and spec.

I wish they’d give the earthen some moss-like designs. Let me have a mossy beard for my alliance lady lol (my horde is holding out hope for the Skardyn NPC designs to become playable)


Good because it still doesn’t matter no matter how many times you say it.


Mossy druids would be so fun with ivy or ferns for the beards.
:herb: :leaves: :herb:


Yes it does. You are just choosing to ignore it. Your prerogative to do that; but it doesn’t make you right, just ignorant.

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So why aren’t you up in arms about bunny ears on players, or the love regalia from February or the literal hundreds of other things that people do and wear that would ruin immersion???

Because really this is about trolling and controlling other players to have conservative aesthetics that you like and only you like. And that’s not how this works. You can dress your little goat paladin however you like and make sure that it is limited to your very archaic views and I can dress my characters however I like and use MY customizations how I see fit.

You don’t like it, you are free to not look at my fuzzy face.


Yes however according to my research that is not true.


That would rock. I would totally rock an ivy beard.


I always feel bad for ignoring people so I hesitate to do it. I’ve only used it twice on people who have crossed the line imo

But I know you’re right. I need to start using it more often.


I use it but for some reason it comes off and it’s super annoying.

Even though I do set it forever it goes off after about a day and it’s like “ug why do that?”


i think bunny ears are fun and enjoyable for everyone, they really help people feel good and enjoy themselves.

Is it that you’re staying in the thread, by any chance, and they keep popping up? I noticed after finally using my ignore feature for this thread yesterday that if I left it open in the background while doing other things, only to come back to it, the people on my ignore list were still immediately visible until I reloaded. :dracthyr_heart:


The people making outlandish statements usually want to be called out, because they want the attention. Don’t feel bad about ignoring them, particularly when they demonstrate they cannot hold an actual conversation. All they can do is keep engaging with superficial pointless buzzwords and add 0 content to bait you into a merry-go-round. Their goals are self serving. Anything you say, good or bad, in agreement or to the contrary of their posts is like shoveling candy into their little brains. All attention, positive or negative is nutrition for their need to be noticed.

Short version: Ignore them. Don’t feed trolls.

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I’ve noticed that, too, and when you refresh, they are gone.

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Ooh that may be it idk. It seams to go between threads so idk if it’s something on my browser or what.

I have to literally readd them cause they aren’t on the list anymore lol it’s so weird.


For me it depends. If it’s very obvious they’re just trolling or being extremely toxic right out of the gate, then I don’t even engage and go straight to the Ignore List. Otherwise, I’ll try to engage in a discussion, but if it devolves into name-calling and outright toxicity… on to the Ignore List they go.