Expand beard options to lady dwarves / dark Iron dwarves

I’m not sure denying people’s expression of their digital identity is necessarily the fix here.


if you want to have a beard, then you can do that but i should be given the option to hide it if i want.

i don’t see anything wrong with that… you get your beard, right?


You mean people should stop taking his bait? Sure. He’s the one who started on “all females with beards.”


How am I discriminatory by not wanting ridiculous customization options such as female beards? Sorry I want some integrity in this game


That is the silliest argument I’ve ever heard.

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Sorry your thread was overrun by offensive intolerance.


it would be a win-win: everyone gets what they desire.


I just said I hope it doesn’t spread to non dwarves since it makes absolutely no sense and I essentially got called a bigot, lmao.


I expected it a little tbh but hey. Suggestions are suggestions and it be how it be.

See Durins Folk in appendix A. It’s where Peter Jackson pulled for the joke in the movies.

You are getting bothered by something that comes from natural biology for some women, not to mention you are playing a fantasy game where you are even playing a walking talking cow Paladin, what integrity?


Jesus Christ, like do you guys want “breasted” options for male toons too??? Like why stop at beards???

My God…


We don’t need options for a very very small number of women with hormonal imbalances.

They wanna be rep’ed in wow they can play an earthen


Yall we live in a world where 99.9% of female Lightforged draenei wear the one very cute puffy ponytail option. Where every female orc/troll uses the one “cute” face. Do you really think that beards would be widely seen even if they were available?

We’ll see how many bearded female Earthen we see a year after launch. My guess is not many at all. This is something of a non-issue.

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I just want to add that although i would like female beards to stay an earthen exclusive feature, i do think its a feature thats a lot of fun and im glad they did it.

I know you werent thinking i was one of those people, but i just wanted to clarify that.
I dont stand with what the detractors are saying.

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lol why do we fight over the time and attention of the devs on projects. They are gonna do whatever they feel like anyways. We are but mothers screaming orders at an adhd kid on a sugar high.

Blizzard will do what it wants.


It is.

All ten of the female dwarf characters out there should have a beard option.

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yeah that’s what i think as well.


Equality and representation for all on a preferred race isn’t a bad thing, you and people can deal with it if it happens, it’s not going to actually hurt you in any way, shape or form so.


My male cow doesn’t have udders, how about that?

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