Expand beard options to lady dwarves / dark Iron dwarves

People sure are getting offended over expanded customization ideas

Things they themselves would never have to use, but sure will cry if other people get them

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Even if undead get them cause they got stitched back together with it?

Why would I be talking about clown computersā€¦

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I have no idea! Youre the one that brought it up

Because THAT crowd will cry hard for bearded female everything once we get it for the only race it makes sense in


Yeah, no. I think itā€™s fine if someone wants to put a rhino horn on their human character but that doesnā€™t actually mean Iā€™d need to support implementing that change or think itā€™s a good idea.

ā€œMore customizationā€ just isnā€™t always a good thing.


Alright alright none of that in here. Dont go derailing the thread with nonsense.

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Can you not understand context?

If I asked ā€œwhy did Ozzy osborn eat a batā€ would you ask for clarification on whether it was an animal or a baseball sport equipment


I want my diva hair on male Blood Elves then I can be a male with diva hair and that would be fabulous and I say that as a woman. :dancer:t5: :dancer:t5: :dancer:t5:


Gotta stop feeding that clown


If I had no prior knowledge of the event maybe?


Itā€™s rare to pick female dwarf, itā€™s even more rare to have a beard on them. While itā€™s not my personal taste I wonā€™t prevent others from having it.

Let the ladies yeet their shaving razors and feel the wind in their beards!


Christ the cringe is real in hereā€¦

Can only hope future devs donā€™t give in to such ridiculous demands as beards for female non dwarves.


I see this thread not only brought in one troll, but also brought in one intolerant, as well.

Wish I could post pics of all the beautiful female beards in our world right now.


i think the best option here would be to give everyone their choice:

if someone wants to play a lady dwarf with a beard, you can let them, but also give those who donā€™t like it the option to hide it.

so blizzard could create some sort of option to hide all beards on female dwarfs that any player could toggle on or off at any time.

that way both parties win - you can play a lady dwarf with a beard and those who donā€™t like it have the option to hide it on their side.


I hope they do.

Sorry not sorry. Itā€™s thier ge if they do they do if they dont they dont.


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The only cringe is coming from you, more customizations isnā€™t a bad thing.

Iā€™m sorry you are so closed minded and discriminatory I never knew that about you but now I do.


Stop taking the bait.

Beards on a woman really make you that bothered that you want a ā€œno beardā€ filter?


Iā€™m not too concerned. If only 10% of the customization requests were actually listened to the character creation screen and barbershop would be such a disaster Iā€™d avoid making new characters or changing them just to avoid navigating the mess people want to turn them into.

Glad they arenā€™t.