Expand beard options to lady dwarves / dark Iron dwarves

Oh if I let it grow out for a year 100% it would. That was the idea so I could go get my driver’s license picture taken and then shave it all off.

That way if I ever get pulled over I confuse the living daylights out of the cop that pulls me over XD

My hair comes in darker but then as light hits it it turns blond.


You have a color changing beard??? That is AWESOME


I do… why I linked the picture lol

if the IP says something is cannon then it’s cannon otherwise it isn’t. /shrug

Then why do earthen look like dwarves?


Ask any woman over 60 about facial hair. :unamused:


An exception doesnt create the rule.

Not how it works. Chronicles cannot be canon while SL is canon.

Why do earthen look like rocks?

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I feel like what some people would call “Woke Blizz” would definitely add the beards after reading this thread, if the devs ever came here. After all, they’re trying to be more inclusive with customization to get away from their 2004 image.

The hate here also reminds me of when people adamantly insisted “Girls don’t play WoW” and would harass people for their cis-gender identity. I find it mildly ironic how we’ve gone from that to blindly insisting their WoW women must be beautiful by traditional, real-world standards for their immersion while simultaneously arguing that WoW is not the real world.


Gets out of bed goes to bathroom mirror looks

Sorry you are wrong.

I usually try to be courteous and give benefit of the doubt with discussions, but in this case you are flat out wrong.

I have always had facial hair. It’s thicker and more pronounced now then it has been in the past, but always have had it since puberty.

You are 100% categorically wrong on that point.


I see this thread is still being hounded by trolls, this community I swear to god.
At least the positive posts here are still around and going strong,


The quickest of searches will give you tons of well researched papers and articles and studies showing that yes, many women do have beards, and almost all women have facial hair which gets thicker and more coarse after menopause. from healthline:

‘Hirsutism is a common condition, affecting between 5 and 10 percent of women. It tends to run in families, so you may be more likely to have this hair growth if your mother, sister, or another female relative also has it. Women of Mediterranean, South Asian, and Middle Eastern heritage are also [more likely to develop the condition.’

And, 5% to 10 % of women all over the world, is a lot of women with beards.


I started getting facial hair when I was 11 ._.

Mom used to wax it and it’s like “mom I don’t think this is a good idea” cause it was too course. Man did that hurt…

Cause they are rocks in a dwarf shape.

if blizz says it is it is. Doesn’t mean you agree or disagree with it but if they say what they release is cannon then it is how it is.

I’m pretty sure there’s a lot more people than you think that get facial hair they just shave it off lol

My case is slightly different which I’m not getting into here but yeah there are ladies with it. Even genetics can cause it without any other underlying things. Their hair follicles are just more receptive to the hormones that cause hair growth simply due to genetics.


Helping Fuzz out with the image link.


Thank you Phara :slight_smile:

Yeah that picture is a few months old my hair is a lot longer now XD


I’ve never seen someone with such a vendetta against beards it’s so funny but also kinda odd


Like imagine if we used the “well they didn’t before” arguments for everything

The game quite literally would have never existed because of all the changes they made from the RTS


Even then this entire ‘argument’ is just typical circular reference.

Person: The lore doesn’t exist!!!

Rational Person: Ok here’s some references that shows it exists.

Person: That’s not valid!!! Show me classified and confidential documents that have been signed by Chris Metzen that explicitly states that it exists!!!

Rational Person: If you’re going to ignore that then we can just make new lore

Person: No!! The lore doesn’t exist!!! You’re destroying my game!!!

Rational Person: huh??? I already told you it exists.



If people like that we’re in charge, id never even be here cuz DK is the only class I like

Last I checked they were exclusively bad guys but they made neeewwww looooorrreeee and let players be them

Guess that ruined the game and the lore and slapped their face, which is funny cuz they’re also a DK who required lore changes


It’s that way on purpose. It’s the same with many other threads. People just have to put the ones arguing in bad faith on ignore.


How about wrong?


so are you saying that everything that exists in the real world is required to be added to WoW?

Having facial hair is not the same as having beards.

Then they arent dwarves.

No, thats not how storytelling works.

Again, I dont have anything to do with it, Chronicles cannot be canon while SL is. So which one is true. Chronicles was supposed to answer everything about the universe, supposed to be definitive… then SL came along. So which one is canon, Chronicles cannot be canon so long as SL exists.

Ill say this one last time, there is a difference between facial hair and a beard. They are different.

It doesnt.

Except they dont show it exists. A fisherman insulting his cousin as being ugly and smelly “but the fish dont mind” is not evidence that dwarven women have beards. (and yes, that is how that quest reads that no longer exists)