Expand beard options to lady dwarves / dark Iron dwarves

yeah well if blizzard hasn’t announced it, then it’s probably not going to happen.

Make sure to set the time limit to forever.


Do you have pictures to provide proof of said trolling? Also there must be multiple quests and it must not just be in a book, it must be in a movie, 12 season TV show, and have 3 music videos

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Elves, Dwarves, etc., predate Tolkien. I know most are in Norse mythology, I’m sure there are others. Tolkien just created what you could describe as the modern interpretation of them.


Yeah i hit forever it’s done this with a few posters. Idk why.


yes tolkien did not invent the concept of elves or dwarves.


The elves that predated Tolkien were pretty much like fairies. His thing was he re-invented fantasy. Bringing what was then more modern takes on mythology.


Non-troll here (genuinely), and I really want them :smiley:. When earthen were announced, the first thing I did was tell a family member who used to play WoW with me (and is also the person to introduce me to LotR), in serious excitement, that I couldn’t wait to make a bearded lady dwarf. :dracthyr_love_animated:

so basically, tolkien brought older mythology into a more modern view, correct?

that would mean that tolkien did not invent dwarves or elves

it would appear as though Tolkien did not write them first.


I’m out of hearts but if i could give ya one I would

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Im sorry for adding this but its been bugging me a little.

I dont personally count those sources as accurate set in stone lore.

One is a joke where being a woman with a beard is on par to smelling bad.
And the other is from a dubious book which has already been half retconed from what i understand.
Both of these being 20+ years old. Both very old and from a time where the wow universe was trying to find its footing.

If it was canon lore that they had beards, then for a race we see everywhere, i would have expected more acknowledgement in the game than 1 quest joke that has been removed.

Imo the strongest argument for it being a canon thing right now is waiting to see how the earthen relate to normal dwarves.
They could easily open up the door depending on the plot.


Like character customizations? Like is being requested?

The notion that “blizz hasn’t done it yet so therefore they can never do it” is absurd, one of the main appeals of this game is because Blizz keeps adding to it.

They added Earthern where both can have beard options.

They added Void Elves.

They added Draenei.

They “add” stuff all the time, and to my knowledge have never decanonized or forbade dwarven women having beards.


I would rather have some beards for the undead.
Mhhh…yes… beards…

Just think of an undead warlock with long, grey beard.


Yeah, they’re in my head. Gimme like… a hundred years for technology to catch up and I can get those printed for ya.


No one gets left behind brother


Brooo that second one looks so good, though :sob: It fits perfectly, I NEED this.

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it’s… beautiful…


Undead definitely need beards. Beards, tattoos, warpaint and scars for everyone.


Like at least more than a single joke from vanilla.

Requesting stuff is fine.
Its just calling it lore accurate when all you have are 2 questionable references from 20+ years ago doesnt feel correct.

Nothing wrong with requesting lore changes and expansions.
Its just thats what the request is.
A lore change.

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Said lore hasn’t been decanonized (I don’t know the extent/status on Dragon book and what all has been redone/retconned).

We have new supporting lore in the form of the Earthen, which are the predecessors to the Dwarves.

Dwarven women in other forms of media have beards.

So it’s not really a stretch by any means of the imagination.

Undead didn’t have the customization to hide their bones/levels of decay in non-Chinese servers, it didn’t make it a lore change they can now.