Expand beard options to lady dwarves / dark Iron dwarves

im not sure this is a historical truth

It ain’t the same thread. The other thread was excitement over earthen.

This thread is expanding on customizations to the other dwarf races.


“Can you prove it’s not?”

which one worked out better?

pretty sure tolkien got inspiration from norse mythology

Historical truth


I used to take that same stance and held it on this forum all the way up until today. Now I have three people ignored. How interesting :rofl:


I don’t remember.

Does it matter?

They are two different topics.


What the frack is your point?

Edit - Full disclosure: I originally edited and added a snarky comment about asking for permission to make threads. I am now editing and removing said snarky comment.


Who knows.

Plus it’s a solid 5 months regardless so even if both were about earthen, it’s a good enough space between the two I feel.

It’s about customizations though being expanded from one race to another. No different than elves asking for stuff from blood elves to go to other elf races.


yeah but the customizations that people are asking for blood elves are central to the lore of blood elves.

And again, the lore for that is in part of the lore for dwarves in the books and quests.

You can disagree that’s fine but don’t go doing the thing of “why post another thread” stuff.


“So, you truly believe that Blizz created the concept of Elves, Dwarfs, Goblins, etc., before ANYONE ELSE thought of them? Really?”

“No. Tolkien created them all first. All others were inspired by Tolkien. That is historical fact.”

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but it’s in the tolkien books, not the blizzard books, correct?

the historical fact is that tolkien derived inspiration from norse mythology

I think you missed the part where…

Central to the lore of dwarves.

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No it’s in one of the warcraft books. Was mentioned earlier up in the thread somewhere.


i dont think that is true.

No don’t you understand everyone at Blizzard took a time machine and went back BEFORE Tolkien and created every portion of their world without any influence. Geesh!!!

Edit - I shouldn’t have to say this, but just in case that was sarcasm.

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“Day of the dragon” if I remember right.

You can think it’s not true all you want but it’s in there.

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