Expand beard options to lady dwarves / dark Iron dwarves

When I was in school I did a study on the hobbit graphic novel and then watched the old 2D animation. Smaug gave me pure Orc dad energy and I loved it :dracthyr_lulmao:


They cherry pick and look for things to confirm their argument even taking things out of context. A single sentence isn’t the full context.


Give Dark Irons and Regular Dwarves more Character options plz.

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Tbh this is a story where islands pop up out of no where, entire villainous factions just sprout out every year without any regard to logistics and build up, and you can create gateways to bring planets from a different solar system next to your planet and beards is where the Beard Arbiter is drawing the line lmao


Thank you for supporting Fuzzbutt’s request for beard customizations!


That makes me want to put on my farmer’s hat. WELL GOL DURN IT’S VILLAIN SEASON AGAIN! :dracthyr_crylaugh:


Also: Day of the Dragon pages 162 and 262-264 talk about a grandmother with a beard and a pair of female twins with beards. Plus the Vanilla quest in game.

So yes, they DO in fact support Fuzz and the lore needs to be upheld!


Westfall Farmers Revolution!

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As far as I am concerned, it shouldn’t exist, period.

And it certainly shouldn’t have dev time wasted on it.

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Beards for everyone!

Beards make everything better.


no, blizzard created the warcraft games. not tolkien

Well looks like i got that name wrong. Oh well

anyway Dwarven characters never quite clicked for me, but the closest I came to making an alt of one was with a bearded Dwarf hunter with a bear pet. That reminds me of the original WoW cinematic from way back.

Earthen already have them. They’re the progenitors of dwarves. Day of the Dragon is canon lore and talks of three female dwarves with beards. A questline from Vanilla talks about female dwarves with beards.

So why shouldn’t it exist?

And for those who already have beards, make them longer and more majestic:


OMG I would totally play a human if they had that…


Yoooooo, I’ve been itching for a beautiful, majestic Lion’s mane on my Night Elf.

We need Malfurion beards. This is not negotiable.


one quest does not mean that it should be brought into the entire game

“The Hobbit was published in 1937. Long before Warcraft was even a glimmer in the creators eye. Tolkien was the influence of it ALL.”

where did blizzard say that they got their ideas from the works of tolkien?

Best post of the day! :trophy: