Expand beard options to lady dwarves / dark Iron dwarves

Hair will grow on stone when pigs fly.

Oh wait…


Awww, did you get banned on that boosted Human Pally, so you’ve switched back to a level 55 classic DK?

Omg I’m sorry Not you the other one

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Oh the mage.

I always get those 2 mixed up.

Willfully ignoring the Earthen is up to you, doesn’t make you right, but you do you. I mean, they say ignorance is bliss, you must be happy as, cuz.

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I was thinking of a paladin.

It’s so hard to keep up with all them alts

There’s a pally starting with Mal?


If dwarven women had beards in WoW it should continue, just like the dwarves in Tolkiens universe. But they don’t just like humans dint have tails and gnomes aren’t giants. What people are arguing for are giant gnomes. Not through some technology toy, but through actual customization meaning there would need to be an explanation for that.


I guess so. I even joined the Mal covenant

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See there’s an argument I can agree with :dracthyr_love_animated:

That’s what my argument has been from the very beginning.

yes, the lore needs to be upheld… that is a very good point.

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He wants continuity and ignores the fact that a novel and a quest talk about female bearded dwarves. His continuity and lore are already a set precedent.


“All this talk about Tolkien’s influence… How many of you realize that The Hobbit, the first edition, was published in 1937? Long before ANY of these games were even a thought in the Creator’s Mind. Before any of us were even born, for that matter. Tolkien started it ALL, when you really think about it. So no sense in trying to keep Tolkien out of it. He is the Father of this WHOLE Genre.”

“Just something to think on.”


I think semantics matter, maybe? “If it had this then it should continue, or needs a reasonable explanation” is something I don’t think anyone can really debate with the exception of “things change” which isn’t a very strong argument in itself. It IS in the book, though, like Fuzzy pointed out, and I honestly don’t know if it’s really referenced anywhere else. One line from from two decades of lore isn’t what I’d personally call compelling evidence but it is evidence nonetheless.

But again, things do change and not always for the better for some people, and the opposite for others. What can ya do? I’d be perfectly alright with them not adding beards to all dwarves, but I also argue in favor of Worgen having tails! So. Hard not to sound like a hypocrite :dracthyr_crylaugh:

Ive never sat down and had a proper read of any of the books but I loved the movies

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This is where I would post “the more you know” gif if I had the privilege

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The Hobbit and LotR are great books. Just don’t read the Silmarillion unless you enjoy the history of family trees and Bible-like writing, because it’s a lot of he begat him who begat them who begat them…

It’s how I used to fall asleep. lol


“I have read them all, including The Silmarillion. Great books.”


An undead Rogue after my own Tolkien elven heart