Expand beard options to lady dwarves / dark Iron dwarves

Right… So, the game is all about you? Blizzard has to make everything perfect, just for you, and ignore everyone else.

I mean, seriously, You’re mostly focusing on your own character, and not what others look like…

Oh, but it isn’t toxic to gatekeep others on something that has no real effect on your gameplay or enjoyment? Does beards make it harder for you to join a raid? Does beards make it harder for you to level? Does beards make it harder to level a profession?


Like I said before most people don’t even pay attention to other people’s characters, like who actually notices every detail about some random out in the world or in a raid or something, lol.

It’s just unbelievable and weird.


As Bender would say to Fry in that one episode where Fry killed his own grandfather in Futurama, “And you are outta here.”

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And while we’re at it, say hello to everyone else on the ignore.


How did you get to that conclusion? Sounds like you think its all about you.

Did I say this or are you just making stuff up because “wah this person wants continuity in a story!”

Really? This is your shallow view of what entertainment is?

Oh… I thought our characters and NPC’s are a part of the game… thus would affect my enjoyment of it and its gameplay and interactions.

Raids arent the only part of this game.

Leveling isnt the only part of this game.

Do you not know what a story is and continuity?

Says you. Citation needed with actual numbers please, otherwise this is just your opinion.

Then those that have issues (and don’t know what REAL lady dwarves look like) don’t have to create lady dwarves with beards. Problem solved! Everyone has choices, unless you are trying to dictate other people’s fun … And faces.


Well no, but you’ve already been shown where in the story the reference exists. Regardless whether you think it’s a joke or not, it’s there.

With regard to it not being in game I’m gonna use FFXIV as an example (emphasis on example because it’s not the only game). Male Viera and female Hrothgar didn’t exist in their game OR the story. But now they do. With respect to your argument WoW’s got more of a leg to stand on by adding beards because it is, in fact, in the official story when male Viera and female Hrothgar were not. Until they were.

And for an added bonus I’m not a fan of the idea either, but here we are. :dracthyr_shrug: a lot of things in WoW and other games have changed that I don’t like.

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the main issue with allowing dwarf females to have beard customization is that it simply is not part of the world of warcraft lore.

It is probably better to not engage with them further. They’ll make anything more up to get their own way.

But it is.


Uh huh which is why any time you are ever asked for a citation you are never able to give one…

I am going to start asking for a taco every time you state a “fact” but can never provide a citation, link or other proof. I will never have to pay for food again.

Oh Fuzzy you know that they can never prove any “fact” that they say… Just “trust me bro.”

And of course they can’t handle different kinds of women and men out in the world. They must all conform to goe THEY see women and men, even in fantasy make believe. Forget the fact that they are not being forced to make Lady dwarves with beards and it affects them in absolutely no way at all.


It doesnt matter if a reference exists, it doesnt make it so that the thing is true within the universe, case in point that Dwarven women do not have beards.

Im not the one that said it was a joke, someone else said it was a joke that was trying to justify that dwarven women should have beards.

I dont care about FFXIV so im going to ignore it.

Dwarven women arent getting the beards though, and they dont have them. Its the earthen, and it looks ridiculous. Not just because they are beards, but because stone is somehow growing hair. It looks ridiculous on the males as well… or should I say body type 1.

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thank you for your input mal but that is objectively an incorrect statement.


If I got 1 day of game time for every time they act like they are posting facts, I would never need to pay for game time ever again.


“I think the Beards should be made of Moss. Because Moss DOES grow on stone.”


Absolutely brilliant and perfect compromise


They were stone in wrath.

Well I’m not going to pick apart a non-argument because my time is better spent elsewhere but I will offer this based on your last line: if your core reasoning is because you feel that women shouldn’t have beards it’s perfectly ok to say so :dracthyr_shrug: at least that’s honest. I don’t think they should, either.

But I also know it’s not all about me :dracthyr_heart: I hope you have a great night!

Why they gotta be me

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im sorry but it simply is not. i would like to thank you for your wonderful contribution. i am sorry but i have to inform you that you are not correct here.

i hope you have a lovely day.

“Doesn’t change the fact that Moss DOES grow on Stone. So they should give the Stone Dwarfs the option of Moss Beards too.”

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