Expand beard options to lady dwarves / dark Iron dwarves

No, not really.

Do you guys have an issue with paying attention or do you just like twisting words?

It’s seriously super cringe when people are against customizations that everyone benefits from and on top of that they don’t have to use if they don’t want to on a character if they make one it’s like are you serious right now?


Bro just denying NPCs exist now


If you can’t see yourself, and what you’ve been attempting at doing, I dunno why people need to even mention it to you.


You’re the one arguing story and then in-game and then back to story again depending on what angle you want to poke. Which is it? :dracthyr_shrug:

Bro, I asked you which ones… name them. You guys like pointing at people wearing a helmet that makes eye glow appear pink and say “see heres one!”

this is prolly the 1st forum ive seen thats against more cc lol.


I know exactly what I have been arguing for. Clearly you dont and I have been explicit in stating that its world building and immersion. When you start just changing stuff willy nilly people dont like it.

Their meltdown has been quite entertaining ngl


Oh, is in game different from the official story? Why even have an official story then?

I changed my mind about the no food eating dwarves, I’m willing to play for hair that pretty

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Yes, gatekeeping. All because “it effects the story.” Like seriously, there is always someone trolling who can’t even see what they are doing.

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I wouldn’t even call it entertaining

Just someone denying books and NPCs exist, all to push some kind of idea that lore has never changed or hasn’t been changing since the game came out

In a way, yes.

Best reason there is. Unless you dont like being immersed into a world… then why are you playing a story driven game?

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there are lots of things i like such as traditional dwarves

Anyways can anyone tell me the difference?

hint: there is none.

Bring the chad dwarf female beards!


See, even now you admit you’re just gatekeeping others. All over something that doesn’t effect you.

It has no effect to the story. Hello, explain the lore behind our characters.

It actually does though lol. It affects my enjoyment of the game. That is affecting me.

If something as little as customization in a fantasy game is bothering you, you have bigger issues, might wanna have that looked into.

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