Expand beard options to lady dwarves / dark Iron dwarves

I was elected to lead, not read.


My mistake, I thought you were saying that having Blizzard change a story by adding what we want in it was what was killing it. Though maybe I was mistaken.

So not in WoW… so they dont actually exist.

So you dont actually know, yet you keep pushing it.

The earthen exist, the females have beards. They are THE prototype dwarf created by the Titans.

God forbid I don’t remember which book something is in.


World of Warcraft: The Roleplaying Game, 34
Day of the Dragon, 264


Not remembering the title of the book doesn’t mean the book doesn’t exist. It just means she forgot the title of the book.

Good lord, the reaching on this one. You’d think he has them 8 foot long Ghostface arms.

Thats not what you asked, I think you are too caught up in actually trolling to follow what is going on.

And im not asking them to change anything. You guys are.

What about DK NPCs who have different eye colors?

Duh, did I say the book didnt exist? Look at all of you ganging up and failing miserably.

You know you all saying pot meet kettle? That irony probably doesnt taste very good to you does it?

Oh not this again… which ones?

Oh, look at what I found?

Graun Blump was a cousin of Gubber; it was maintained by Gubber that she has a beard and smells unusual.



From what I could find, the book is Day of the Dragon. The cover looks right.

Oh… look, that looks like a joke.

Actually, it tastes great. Know why? Because I’m not getting upset over facial hair in a fictional video game :slight_smile: I’m an adult with real world problems.

Getting angry over facial hair isn’t one of them, IRL or in game. So, uh, good luck with your whining, I guess?


Clearly you know what ones as this is “not this again”

Neither am I, goes to show how much you actually pay attention.

I mean, she is a dwarf so are you really surprised? :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah… none of them.

Yeah, is that why you turned to gatekeeping a simple request, acting like customizations have everything to do with the story?