Expand beard options to lady dwarves / dark Iron dwarves

Oh my this new modern gaming and customization

Hey, I made that joke first D: I demand credit


I’d take it they were kicking and screaming?

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I have no idea what that is but you sold me with “garlic chicken”

A story adding what you want is ruining it?

More just freaking out about females with beards and saying it’s going to ruin the game and then that giving equality and representation would be bad and finally that Blizzard giving more customizations would be bad, it was all super cringe.


In what book? A historical book? A nod to Tolkien or the Jackson films aka an easter egg? Them not being in the game is bigger than anything else. So where are they?

This isnt the point that you think it is.

So why dont they exist visually? They just forgot? They hated their own lore? All the bearded women are in hiding? They shave every hour? Illusion magic because they are ashamed of that poor excuse of facial hair? Or were they not put in because they dont have beards? Which is more likely?

Thats not just a me issue, that a lot of peoples issue. I guess you dont keep up with entertainment, or even what happened in WoW with them just changing the lore willy nilly. PEOPLE DONT LIKE IT. People dont like getting invested in a story, spending all this money just for the creators to spit on them for some person that just “wants” something.

No, you said dwarven women have beards in WoW
 where are they?



It’s honestly a little sad how heavily some people cling to a bigoted bias and insist it needs to remain in a game owned by Blizz, a company that is actively trying to distance themselves from those sort of ideals and which has already made other “non-traditional” friendly changes like “Body Type One” and “Body Type Two”, more gender neutral hair options, and blindness.

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Where have I stated I want something added? I want continuity and immersion, you know
 something a story is supposed to do.

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I second this c: There should be options for both beards and no beards. I like my dwarves smooth~

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Ok, so what does customizations have to do with the story?

Bring back my beards!


That second one gave me a good chuckle, and I need that first one.

Hey, so. If you’re watching a show and the actor is clean shaven in season 1 but they come back in season 2 with a full on beard, are you gonna write them an angry letter about how they’re ruining the lore because they suddenly have facial hair? A feature which, ya know, has zero impact on the story? :dracthyr_tea:


Given their reaction I hope for their sake they don’t see the datamined NPC’s of armless warriors existing in the game.

“But but that’s different but”,
No it isn’t. They’re being needlessly hostile over an optional cosmetic customization option and tried to draw a hyperbolic comparison without realizing that it’s a) not the extreme example of the slam dunk they think it is and b) exists.

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A song for all the Dwarves.



I keep having to tell you this. Or are you considering anything outside of wow not in the warcraft universe?

No it’s
 hold on let me find which book

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A lot more than you think, it can change things completely that I have already given examples of.

Custodes being changed to say women always existed in them changes the Custodes completely, what American comics are pushing which are almost out of business at this point, or how about DK eye color
 they are blue for a reason but adding that customization would change that reason. If you havent actually realized it they dont just add in customization for customization, it has to be explained within the story.