Expand beard options to lady dwarves / dark Iron dwarves

Yes there is. You guys just dont care about them because you want them for some reason.

It’s. Already. Cannon. According. To. The. Books.

God this is such a back and forth and it’s getting old.

OH HOLD ON to you are the books fanfic?


Whenever I see a Panda in game I’m reminded of the of the swole stewards in Bastion

and then there’s this one

Anyways give us more beard options ty. Call it the Beard Patch and give us Troll beards too


Really? They added limbless warriors? You are trolling.

50 bucks says he’s gonna say the books are fanfics.

How dare people want something that I don’t want.

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I’m sorry if you’re insulted over something that doesn’t even effect you. If you like, you can take the issue to social media and pray to hope there will be someone who might even care.

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THEN WHERE ARE THEY?! Yes, this is getting old that you cant even name a single dwarven women with a beard yet you act like they are all over the place.

That is adorable and I must have it.


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Affecting my enjoyment because some people want to ruin what was established is affecting me.

Then find a therapist to talk about why you’re so triggered over facial hair in a video game :slight_smile:



So they are in the book yet aren’t represented in teh game, which if the customization was added into the game they could be represented but I digress, they don’t exist yet visually so therefore I can’t point it out.

That’s a you issue and this whole tangent you’re going on is highly unneccissary. The books aren’t good enough. The quests aren’t good enough.

You want to see an NPC with customizations, that aren’t in the game (yet) but are referenced in order to justify the adding of customizations?


The level of entitlement that a story should be changed for you because you want something is what is ruining entertainment.

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Wednesday s are garlic naan with chicken tikka masala–mmmmmmmmmm


Fun fact: nothing was part of the lore until blizzard decided to, you know, add them to the lore.

Humans didn’t exist until they added them.
Worgens didn’t exist until they added them.
Trolls didn’t exist until they added them.
Fairy wings didn’t exist until they added them.
Body paint didn’t exist until they added them.

Literally NOTHING existed until blizzard one day decides, “hey this is neat we’re gonna add this.”


No, you’re just making a huge fuss over something that does not effect you.

Only if they spurt out fake blood and claim it’s only a flesh wound.


Hey, what’s the saying? Something about a pot and a kettle? :thinking:

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For real they remind me of the Tauren Paladin earlier today.


Hey look at the pot calling the kettle black.