Expand beard options to lady dwarves / dark Iron dwarves

People seem to be super gatekeepy about suggestions. If they don’t like it, they act as if it’s a personal insult to themself, their mother and their whole family :dracthyr_lulmao:


Welcome to GD. You must be knew here.

Especially since Blizzard is looser with it’s canon than Ron Jeremy. Here, I’ll write the patch notes for them.

“With the emergence of Earthen Dwarves, Dwarves of other races have been inspired to put down their razors and embrace their facial hair. Beard customizations are now available for all dwarves regardless of sex!”


I AM new here, how’d you know?? :o Do they have tacos here? I was told you have tacos here.

See, this is exactly what im talking about. The conversation is the conversation.

You mean High Elves? They were the original, Blood Elves split off and found the Sunwell.

Ah but since we didn’t have blue eyes in customizations for some elves for later, they didn’t exist.

See how bad this sounds?

Conversation is conversation wut? Talk for me please. Use words for me.

I like the way the sideburns flow into the beard, it gives a very heartlike shape to her face.

What is the blue glow on her hands?? My Void Elves need that.


I play a ‘joke’ race that got made canon. Thank you and have a good rest of your day!


We do. We have Taco’s on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

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/mic drop

/end thread


No tacos, only bagels.

I ran out of bread for home made French Toast so I had to use bagels instead.

Big mistake, that was. Don’t ever use bagels to make French Toast.

Also, obligatory support for more customization options, no matter what they are or how “conventional” they seem, because pearl clutching someone else’s fantasy for them is no fun


No, its an insult to the story. Fan fic is just that, fan fic, and it shouldnt creep into canon.

No they quite literally did exist. They are in the game, all over the place.

Yes your argument sounds bad because it is bad because the High Elves actually exist within the game. You can actually find them in the game. They were in Dalaran, they were in Stormwind and they still exist to this day.

Bagels? Why attempt using Bagels with you can attempt using cream pies.

Wowhead has them listed as Skardyn customizations, the hand specifically being “Skardyn flame”, currently only available as NPC options and not player customization sadly. I’m hopeful though, because they look simply amazing.

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Your joke race is also one of the cutest, though c: Pandarens make me happy, even if I don’t actively play them.

Only two days?? Man, I don’t know if I want to stay in GD, then…

I… have vague memories of this but I can’t remember if I tried this before or not. But yeah, probably not a good idea :dracthyr_lulmao:

Bagels should have cream cheese, not uncooked eggs, silly dragon!

Bro, it’s facial hair. It’s not going to change the story just because someone decides to grow hair on their face. You can’t be that delusional…


We used to have it every day, but someone keeps forgetting to tip the Taco Truck.

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There’s nothing to insult because Blizzard already added them into TWW. Bearded dwarf ladies are canon because they said it was canon. You’re arguing to defend a version of a game that doesn’t exist.

OP asking for better parity between the base Dwarves and the Earthen, because they are both Dwarves.


I dont care what it is. How about armless warriors? No mechagnome technology either, just completely armless.

Also added in TWW.

Saying it again for the people in the back who are clearly just trolling and looking to upset people :smiley: