Expand beard options to lady dwarves / dark Iron dwarves

I didn’t poke anyone and I have irl stuff to do so I afk often?

I’m not other people. If you have a beef with them have a beef with them. Not me.

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Yes, you have.


We were trying to have a discussion I thought then you acted all hostile and weird and then came after me.

If you don’t like the idea, there’s no need to act like this and go on and on and on. You voiced it, I voiced mine, and that’s the end of it.

I seriously don’t understand what the issue is but calm down.

I think everyone should have the option for facial hair, regardless of the gender, and not just limited any of the Dwarven races. People should have every right to express themselves via their characters, if people don’t like it, the option is, don’t add it to their characters.


I wonder where.

Being sweaty on the WoW forums over the most mundane stuff like wowza.

Anyway, I don’t even play Dwarves but I hope they add it in if it really gives some of you that much grief and im not sorry.

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General not towards you.

I didn’t reply to you I made a general statement. If you took it as towards you that’s on you.

It was towards me, im not stupid.

I hope they let us have the datamined NPC customizations for the Earthen, look at this lovely bearded lady who would definitely be my horde gal:

That’s also my favorite beard option they have so far :grin:


BuT tHaT’s NoT gOoD eNoUgH :upside_down_face:

When Earthen (projenitors of Dwarves) have them? It makes zero sense.


Hey guys, did you know that if something offends you, you can just not interact with it?

If beards for female dwarves are added, you won’t be forced into using it. You can just, you know, not add a beard to your dwarf and continue about your day like nothing happened. It has zero effect on you.

I don’t like people walking around half naked in game, but do you see me advocating for the choice to be removed? No, because I know some people like it.

You know how I solve this? I wear clothes on my character and mind my own business.

It’s not that hard. If you’re getting that triggered over an optional cosmetic, you need therapy.


Before they start adding beards for women they need to add beards for the male Undead, Trolls, Goblins, etc. Those races have no beards or a beard that is barely a beard! Give the rest of the men beards first.

Uh no it wasn’t.

have you SEEN parts of this thread?? Whole bunch of stuff got shut down and or deleted / changed. Was trying to get it back on topic cause I scrolled up on mobile and realized it was still a mess.

If you think everything was directed at you there’s nothing I can do at that point. I made a general statement and if you took it as it was directed at you I’m sorry? Like idk what to tell ya.

Apparently not. Hey wasn’t there something with blood elves having yellow eyes in the lore but there were none in game until the customization unlocked same with blue eyes?

Like… it’s just a suggestion it isn’t that deep.


I mean in FFXIV male Viera and female Hrothgar weren’t playable until they were done making them. They weren’t even referenced in the story or even in the game. Guess to them that means they never existed, either :dracthyr_tea:

Justice for lady dorfs!


That’s a nice hairstyle, too. If it’s not in game, I want it added!


I wouldn’t worry about others. Some are just trolling the forums anyways, it is best to not respond to them.


Yes it was. You were talking to me and then said what you said. Now that someone is holding your feet to the fire you dont like it.

No. The sunwell was corrupted, the gold eyes came with the cleansing of the sunwell.

A novel concept that floats above so many. Good gosh this thread got sweaty when it didn’t need to. It’s literally just a suggestion

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Since you know what I intended why don’t you talk for me.

Go on go ahead.

What about blue?