Expand beard options to lady dwarves / dark Iron dwarves

Like I said, you guys can’t even agree if it’s a joke or actual lore. Not to mention there is a gravestone of a game in this game.

Where are all the bearded dwarven women at? 10 expansions of wow, multiple iterations of adding customization, and not a single dwarven female has facial hair. No, not even Toddy Whiskers. Those aren’t sideburns.

I’ll bite one last time to prove you’re purposely acting obtuse.

I linked you the quest and the book, complete with specific pages and the lore explained, which is where those references come into play.

You choosing NOT TO READ is your own problem.

A customization for a gameplay mechanic not being added yet is not an argument.

I truly do get annoyed by the ignorance this world chooses to show these days when faced with factual information.

And with that… the ignore pile grows.


You said you were done so im not reading whatever nonsense you are putting forward.

ROFLMAO and the last reply I ever see is confirmation of how truly sad it is to deal with people in this world who are given facts and completely ignore them for their own false narrative.

I weep for humanity.


Anyway trolls aside.

Bearded lady dwarves / dark iron yes please!

Fire beards!

Btw i was trying to get some brushes into procreate so i could draw some concepts but it’s being silly. :frowning:


I feel that beard in my bones. Summer days catching up on laundry. But it does look like it’s pinching her nose. I think it’s on some kind of wire, given the rest of the free floating laundry going with it.

:womans_clothes: :shorts: :dress:

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Forgot to mention that in Tolkien and D&D, all dwarves have beards regardless of sex. I don’t really know much about other games, but if you’re wanting to follow generally accepted canon, then all dwarves should have the option for facial hair.


Just because it’s being thrown around incorrectly here is the definition of a confirmation bias for everyone:
noun: confirmation bias
The tendency to interpret new evidence as confirmation of one’s existing beliefs or theories.

“people’s tendency to process information by looking for, or interpreting, information that is consistent with their existing beliefs. This biased approach to decision making is largely unintentional, and it results in a person ignoring information that is inconsistent with their beliefs. These beliefs can include a person’s expectations in a given situation and their predictions about a particular outcome. People are especially likely to process information to support their own beliefs when an issue is highly important or self-relevant.”

You can disagree all you want but deliverance is the thing. The way you’re going about it is just trolling and not providing anything constructive other than “oh you have bias great” or something.

We linked these old things and I was wanting bearded lady dwarves even before the earthen etc. Why? Cause it’s cool to me.


Other games and stories do not matter. Its like talking about Nascar when you are discussing horse racing. They might both be racing, but they are different.

They very much do when your lore is patterned on existing material. Regardless, I was posting for Fuzz in case she was unaware of other lore. I don’t give 2 :poop: s about your opinion cuz.

Ive asked you several times where all the bearded dwarven women are and you cant point to a single one. The only thing you can point to is what some of you say is a joke that is canon, and some saying THEY EXIST BECAUSE THIS QUEST SAYS SO!.. so where are they?

10 expansions and several customization passes and there is nothing? This is the same thing as Games Workshop saying there were always female Custodes even though there isnt a single one to point to.


Did you see the example Moritz linked? You can mess around with them in the dressing room and post some of those here, until you get your brushes working!

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No they dont. Its a new work. You can take inspiration from another source but that doesnt matter when you have a new product that stands on its own.

Hot damn son.


Oh yeah! Because inspiration is a direct carbon copy right?! So all dwarf females have to have beards because of inspiration of just there being dwarves… they had to start somewhere right?

i agree…idky they didnt add it to the og dwarves 1st but ok…blizz is backwards i keep forgettin

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Sorry was doing a dungeon

Yeah because the customization ISN’T in the game for whatever reason even though they have been mentioned in books and quests. It’s why it’s one reason why I’m asking for the customization.

You took the quest as a joke, there’s that quest then there’s the book which the books are (from my understanding) cannon.

Not quite sure what this has to do with anything.

Why are you being so hostile too? There’s no need for that.

Aren’t it weird how some people are making such a fuss over someone requesting for beard options for Dark Iron Dwarves and Dwarves, as if like the request effects them in a negative way… Like, my god, a lot of people against this idea have really shown some true colours to the person they really are.

Like, if it doesn’t even personally effect you, why come into this thread and troll in attempt to shut down an honest request?


So then they dont exist.

No no no no… someone on YOUR side said it was a joke.

See… not me.

And there is a gravestone for a game in this game. There are eastereggs in this game that are not canon. They are a nod to something else.

Really? From vanilla to DF not a single bearded female dwarf. Just like there isnt a single female Custodes even though they are trying to say “there were always female Custodes”.

Because your side has basically called me stupid and a troll, why wouldnt I be?

Then dont poke people and then try to run off when they get annoyed and blame the person you poked.