Expand beard options to lady dwarves / dark Iron dwarves

This. A perfect example: Silvermoon City and the entire Blood Elf starting zone is so heavily inspired/pulled from Tolkien. Furthermore, bearded dwarves exist beyond Tolkien and extend to many other ‘modern’ areas of Fantasy rpg (such as DnD, which is the other heavy inspiration for WoW).

At this point, I’m not going to be unconvinced that anyone against bearded lady dwarves is against it for any reason other than blatant bigotry. The historical precedent is there for bearded dwarves in the fantasy, dating so far back as genuine mythology. People choosing to ignore this fact are doing so purely for their own biases.


It might not be canon because it was never released, but, at some point, some designer(s) at Blizz thought lady dwarves with beards was a good concept because they were featured in Warcraft Adventures.

warcraft adventures bearded dwarf handsome orc

Usually someone brings up Warcraft Adventures in threads on this topic, so, since i didn’t see that anyone had, I figured I would. I’m not saying that it’s official lore: mainly I just wanted to post the GIF.

I want beards for all dwarves, and I want more of a variety of facial hair options for all dwarves than what dwarves already have right now. I also don’t think I’m in the majority on this though.


Yes, and those women shave their hairs off. They don’t keep a beard there, nor do they keep a mustache or anything else there on their face, either. Yes, it’s a natural process, but it’s very unnatural to see women with facial hair. Again, it’s a weird thing to see.

And this is not just during menopause or anything. This is literally in the world, and this is all ages able to grow facial hair. It’s natural to grow it, it’s just as natural for women to remove it.

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Tinker or mechagnome girls with beards be like…


Not only that but there are like nine direct references to Lord of the Rings, including the Dwarven women with beards. Any modern fantasy world takes from Tolkien in some way because he created modern fantasy. The races and all. Some pulled from mythology but changed dramatically by him. And most fantasy uses those versions by Tolkien. It’s such a crazy argument that flew the coop 30 years ago.


I don’t get the appeal, but whatever. Sure, why not. I can simply just not have one on my lady Dwarf.


This thread is 3 hours old over 400 posts. Why dont you tell us what this agenda is?

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The idea that it’s natural to remove hair is a very modern one. And specific culture one. I could see Dwarven women just not giving a damn.


Glad you finally learned that lesson. Have a better day.


Nothing has been forced, and a lot of Tolkiens ideas have already been implemented into the Warcraft universe. But you wouldn’t even know that, you spend 24 hours a day trolling the forums rather than playing the game.


In relevance to history and dependent on culture, yes. It definitely wasn’t as obsessive as it is now. And like I said, I don’t see Dwarven women really caring that much.

Yes, I agree with you there.

It’s both incredible and remarkable how you post a lot while managing to say absolutely nothing.

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I’m personally against it. I like them without beards. When I make my earthen chodette, she won’t have a beard, either.


well my personal position is that just because one or two of Tolkien’s ideas have been used doesn’t mean that all of tolkien’s ideas need to be implemented into WoW.

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One or two? Try 9. Even the Lich King is a reference to the Witch King (and that’s not even counting race aethetics).


Some more ornate styles with a choice of jewels and flowers would be cool!


You already got the options to choose to see what you pick for your own character.

Plus, female with beards is not as uncommon as you may think.


Hirsutism, which causes excessive facial hair growth in cisgender females, is typically caused by an increase in hormones called androgens. It’s fairly common and affects between 5 to 10 percent of women.


What does the post count have to do with it, and how would I know what the devs are planning?


Personally I think we could stand to have better parity in customization between body types.

My undead could be jawless regardless of what body I swap them to