Expand beard options to lady dwarves / dark Iron dwarves

That’d be awesome, especially if they add more jeweled panther colors.

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Ohhh, Irish would be lovely too! Maybe even Welsh!

While I’ve not personally played it, I’ve some friends who have played Xenoblade 2 in the past, and there was one… planet, I think? Where the majority of characters had lovely Welsh accents. I think it’s a bit underrepresented, and deserves some love!


Oooh i like that idea


I honestly really hope you are right because to say the truth…Ive been thinking about leaving WoW…
We had backlash for some many good things lately its just exhausting.

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I plan to use beards on both of my earthen. If they expand, all of my dwarves will be bearded ladies-- because that’s what Tolkien intended. It also goes beyond Tolkien, it’s a very large part of the history of dwarves long before dwarves as a fantasy race existed for WoW.


You know it would be fun to have a choice- your Earthern could have a Scottish, Irish, French, Creole… You pick the accent and timbre in the creation screen. Mine would be NY Italian.


Can you show me where I insulted you?

At least three people?


“Calling it out” wasn’t exactly a positive nor benign comment. We call that being insulting.

I’m a human and I’m not having an emotional reaction to your words.

No one is running, but thanks for letting me know how nonsensical you want to be.

So you’re the emotional one here. Got it.


That would be a nice character choice overall, not just for Earthen!

While I don’t hate any of the default racial voices, having the option for octave or tenor, or even accent would add a subtle but lovely layer of customization. I hope they bring in some old/new voice actors and do something like that some day! I don’t think it would be all that big of an endeavor, either - our player characters only have a limited amount of vocalized dialogue/sounds, really. At least, compared to NPCs.

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Look I don’t care. I don’t like it when inspired by turns into copied from.

I wonder if ridiculous threads like this cause the mods to drink until they black out or just start updating their resumes?


Why not both?


Okay… you’re the one arguing about it. :dracthyr_shrug:

And no one is saying “copy it.” But the precedent was already set by in game stuff in Vanilla. You’re absolutely free to not like that. Just letting you know it already exists.


Does not compute.


I’m just excited to see which forumite is most committed to having the last word.


And im just here to cheer on the earthen :smiley:


Nah here’s what’s happening here. You think because you are on the right side of this discussion you can say any dumb thing and that’s somehow right. It’s not. Copying the source of inspiration isn’t inspiration, it’s copying it. If WoW becomes like Lord of the Rings it stops being WoW and it becomes almost-but-not-really lord of the rings. Now I’m sure Blizzard would love the spare themselves the trouble of being story-creative and thanks to people like you they just might.


but WoW isn’t Lord of the Rings and WoW was not created or designed by Tolkien.

I believe that Tolkien’s ideas should not be forced into the WoW universe, honestly.

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Can you point out to me where I claimed to be on any side or how letting you know there’s a quest (and I think a joke line somewhere, I do remember it) that addressed this is somehow saying “any dumb thing?”

We seem to continually keep moving goalposts here.

No one asked for WoW to become LotR. All they said was there’s precedent set already and it is “inspired by” Tolkein.

… what are you on about?


You are years too late for that. A lot of what they have in the game is inspired by Tolkien.

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What data shows that the majority want bearded females?

Devs don’t make most decisions by majority anyways, they have their own agenda.