Expand beard options to lady dwarves / dark Iron dwarves

Oh i totally agree.
I just mean that as a dwarf reskin, they need all the advantages they can get to develop a fanbase with haha

(Im 75% on maining one so there might be some bias here)


I get what you are saying. So more people play them for a bit.

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Sad Life
Misplaced Anger

Iā€™m sure we can figure out more reasons


I mean Iā€™m kinda flattered if you think I have the power to derail a thread like that all by my self.


Iā€™m about 95%, myself! The main holdup will be their story and expanded lore, I believe. But I played around with customizations on WoWhead when they dropped, and made an Earthen lady Iā€™ve kind of fallen in love with. I just try not to make too many alts nowadays, as I always end up not playing some of them when I do - so Iā€™m withholding on commitment for now.

Gives me time to decide what Iā€™d play her as, class-wise!


Yea, as I said canā€™t

Just like you canā€™t actually think of any insults cuz you just keep repeating yourself

I thought you and I had something. Why you cheating on me?

Yeah, lets give all ladies in the game beards, itā€™ll be great.


Same here buddy, same here.

Glass houses and all that. You came in here just to throw insults. Might want to check yourself.

You and Tahonto are the only ones doing this. And calling it out is being insulting.


Ugh, here come the post flagging notificationsā€¦

It doesnā€™t take much to do it. Just total disregard for the community.

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Itā€™s not just lord of the rings, most other fantasy settings with dwarves are the same way. non-dwarves canā€™t tell dwarf males and females apart.


Give trolls beard options first. Also is this even correct in Warcraft lore?

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Screw the community.

They donā€™t know what they want.

I care about the game we have to share.

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It is with the stone Dwarves.

Then why are you here?

To avoid something known as an ā€œecho chamberā€ from forming.

I prefer another term but donā€™t wanna get flagged for that.

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Inspired not based on. Thereā€™s a big difference here. WoW was based on Warhammer, they actually tried to make it a Warhammer game but didnā€™t get the license and had to make up their own brand.

And I still donā€™t hear a reason why the game should be Lord of the Rings-ifed?


Yeah i was sceptical of the race when they were announced but after seeing their customisationā€¦ heck yeah! They look amazing. Tall dwarves with gems and metalic hair? A huge variety of fun colours to choose from in all categories? A permanent well fed buff?
Im so in to it!

My main hold ups are that we dont know what their voices sound like, i want to see a bit more of their story to make sure theyre something i can actually connect to, and lastly i main a void elf and they seem to be in the spotlight now so i want to know more on how that will play out.

But honestly, id be disappointed if i ended up not wanting to main one.
Being a race around my own height with shiny orange hair? Heck. Yes.

Love what weve seen of earthen :smiley:

(Ps their paladin mount is amazing. If paladin is a class you like, thats a great choice)