I have 2 new characters I am trying to log in on, both set to exiles reach starting zone (not at the same time.
Piri- farstriders (H panda hunter)
Anupati - farstriders (H Tauren pally)
As they load in the game disconnects me
“You have been disconnected from the server. (WOW51900319)
This is only happening on Horde. I tried an alliance and it loaded no problem. It only happens with new exile reach toons on Horde - same problem on another server when I tested on wyrmrest.
Disabling addons gets the panda to the boat, before assets fail to load and I get kicked. Neither of the others I’ve tried get past the cinamatic.
I have delete the Cashe and WTF folders, and completely removed addons from the interface folder. This did not work.
Any ideas?
Update… (after 3 hrs)
Sort of a solution found here…
However… the Character Stuck option ported my lvl 1 to org rather than within exiles reach.
After removing addons entirely and deleting are recreating the character I was able to get in.
he issue seems related to the sudden “out-of-date” tag on maybe 20 of my addon files. They were all in date yesterday (1/7/21), so not sure what happened that they suddenly were causing issues.
Also odd that they were only crashing Horde side Exiles Reach and all other characters were playable. Even new alliance exiles reach.
The offending addons included sub-elements of Details, Grail and Handynotes. Along with NPC scan, Addon Control Panel, Doom Cooldown Tracker. All of these are listed as “Up-to-Date” in the Curseforge client.