Exile’s reach disconnects

I have 2 new characters I am trying to log in on, both set to exiles reach starting zone (not at the same time.

Piri- farstriders (H panda hunter)
Anupati - farstriders (H Tauren pally)

As they load in the game disconnects me

“You have been disconnected from the server. (WOW51900319)

This is only happening on Horde. I tried an alliance and it loaded no problem. It only happens with new exile reach toons on Horde - same problem on another server when I tested on wyrmrest.

Disabling addons gets the panda to the boat, before assets fail to load and I get kicked. Neither of the others I’ve tried get past the cinamatic.

I have delete the Cashe and WTF folders, and completely removed addons from the interface folder. This did not work.

Any ideas?

Update… (after 3 hrs)

Sort of a solution found here…


However… the Character Stuck option ported my lvl 1 to org rather than within exiles reach.

After removing addons entirely and deleting are recreating the character I was able to get in.

he issue seems related to the sudden “out-of-date” tag on maybe 20 of my addon files. They were all in date yesterday (1/7/21), so not sure what happened that they suddenly were causing issues.

Also odd that they were only crashing Horde side Exiles Reach and all other characters were playable. Even new alliance exiles reach.

The offending addons included sub-elements of Details, Grail and Handynotes. Along with NPC scan, Addon Control Panel, Doom Cooldown Tracker. All of these are listed as “Up-to-Date” in the Curseforge client.

The 51900319 is a general disconnect error, when the client cannot communicate with the server.

I can suggest first a full UI reset (info below), but if that doesn’t work, I’d actually take this to Technical Support so they can take a look at your connection, computer config, etc. You can edit your original post to move it.

Note that a full UI reset is different than just shutting off or disabling addons. The full UI reset is necessary to rule out any addon (or other corrupt UI) issues.

Hope this, or the folks in Tech Support, can help! Good luck.

Thanks for the reply, but if you read my post I did the reset with no resolution.

Yep, my bad. It’s early.

I’d move this thread, or otherwise post a help request in Tech Support.

First start by using the automated system in the support system labeled game play issues, you can reach the system by clicking support, then contact us.

Then try running the scan and repair utility from the option menu on the launcher.

Scan and repair resolved nothing.

The web support keeps forcing me to an automated system. Guess I have to log in on another useable character to submit a ticket in game?

Thanks for the suggestions though.

Over an hour this morning trying to play the toon I want to play. Kind of frustrating.


Having this trouble with a new Tauren Druid I just made tonight.

(PS here at the top to add - I finally just rerolled her and played her through without logging out on the boat, and didn’t have the disconnect problem at all)

  • All addons disabled.
  • Sometimes it boots me as soon as I click to enter
  • sometimes it boots while loading
  • sometimes it starts to load and boots
  • sometimes I get all the way in & then it boots
  • sometimes I get all the way in and get booted when I try to look around
  • sometimes I can get all the way in, can look around, and then get booted as soon as I try to move

I made this character earlier, got a guild invite, then logged out right there on the ship without doing anything. I moved her around after I made her, but the problems started after I logged in again to get the guild invite which went through just before I got booted after trying to move. Awhile later in the evening, and now every time one of the above versions of getting disconnected from server is happening.

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I am having the same issue i just made a new toon and it wont let me log in on it ( also horde side ) please fix this blizzard it should not be happening ( also side note its odd that its only affecting the horde but not the alliance)

Hi Sellil

Reading back through this old thread it seems addons were the main cause. You might want to test that with a default UI.

As I mentioned this is a test. If it doesn’t help simply remove the OLD from your original folders then delete the new folders the game installed. This will return your original settings

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hi tratt thanks but i tried this with the recommendation of blizz i even did a fresh install of the game still having issues :sob:

i just asked the GM’s to move my toons to org and out of exiles reach idk whats going on but im tired of it and wont ever be useing it again to sart a toon

We could look into things a little deeper if you like Frost. These disconnects may start showing up elsewhere.

Just in case anyone comes across this thread in the future and is experiencing the same disconnects on a new level 1 character (in Exiles Reach):

There’s an issue that can occur due to having certain addons enabled on new level 1s in Exiles Reach. If the bug occurs then it will cause the level 1 to disconnect on login, even if you disable all addons or reset the UI completely.

To fix this:

  1. Delete the affected level 1.
  2. Create the character again (feel free to use the same looks/name/etc) but do not attempt to log in yet.
  3. Reset the UI or disable all addons BEFORE logging into the character for the first time.
  4. Once you’ve successfully logged in, make sure to complete the intro quests on the boat and get to Exiles Reach BEFORE logging out for the first time. This will prevent the issue from occurring again, and then if you want to use addons you can re-enable or reinstall them afterwards.

Moving the new level 1 to a different zone before they’ve completed Exiles Reach is not advised. Deleting the character and recreating it is generally the fastest way to get around the problem.

Hope this helps!