Had this same problem this morning, but for some reason my post was moved to Tech Support. After searching various terms for the issue this post came up.
I am tagging this on here mostly because of:
My original post on this issue…
Had to delete characters like the poster above me did since the move took them out of Exiles Reach.
The issue seems related to the sudden “out-of-date” tag on maybe 20 of my addon files. They were all in date yesterday (1/7/21), so not sure what happened that they suddenly were causing issues.
Also odd that they were only crashing Horde side Exiles Reach and all other characters were playable. Even new alliance exiles reach.
The offending addons included sub-elements of Details, Grail and Handynotes. Along with NPC scan, Addon Control Panel, Doom Cooldown Tracker. All of these are listed as “Up-to-Date” in the Curseforge client.