I created a level 1 Orc Warrior and chose the Exile’s Reach option. As soon as I spawn into the game and begin to move or stand still and wait for a few seconds… I am almost immediately kicked from the game with an error message.
You have been disconnected from the server.
According to the link below it says “This error message occurs when your game loses its connection with the World of Warcraft servers. Check the @BlizzardCS Twitter account for the current server status.” The realms are online?
I am not a new player. Thought I would ask around for some suggestions. Thanks for your help!
Have you used the stuck character service here on the website to have the character moved somewhere safer for you to log in?
Just for future reference, the realms being up and online does not guarantee continued, unfettered access. There’s a lot of traffic between you and them to get through first, and sometimes that traffic can become congested or otherwise obstructed, resulting in this common error.
That usually indicates that the system is having trouble loading the character where it is. Moving the character will usually resolve the issue. The link Ekon provided should help.
I am having this issue too in Ardenweald… Haven’t been able to play in hours. Character is stuck. The second my screen shows my chracter it disconnects me from the game.
I have repaired th game files, didn’t work.
I have reinstalled the game, didnt work.
Dawg I literally can’t. As SOON literally as soon as it logs in. I get disconnected. I got 3 other people in my house playing and im the only one with the issue. Can you have someone move my chaarctr
I’m not sure what to tell you. I’ve tried the page out in a couple of browsers and it seems to be working for me. Do you have any security programs or firewalls that might be blocking it?
Can you use one of the three other computers in your house to see if you can use that link?
I am having the same issue, but the second I enter world I get disconnected. I have no time to move, menu, or hearth. It occurred after I died too so I am stuck as a ghost in Bastion.
While I was able to use the move character feature online, I am disappointed to learn that I now cannot participate in the Exile’s Reach. I’m not mad at you, it’s nothing personal. I’m going to delete the character, disable my addons and try again.
If this issue persists… I hope that you guys get it sorted out asap. As I said, it’s disappointing. I would like to thank you and everyone else for helping me.
I got stuck in Ardenweld
I used the self service and it moved me to org and I was able to log in fine but when I went back to Oribos it instantly disconnected me
Thank you Vrakthris. To clarify, after I used the option to move my character online, I logged in and discovered that my character was standing just outside of Orgrimmar as a level 1.
I have since deleted that character, re-rolled a new one and disabled my addons. So far I am able to participate in Exile’s Reach.
Had this same problem this morning, but for some reason my post was moved to Tech Support. After searching various terms for the issue this post came up.
I am tagging this on here mostly because of:
My original post on this issue…
Had to delete characters like the poster above me did since the move took them out of Exiles Reach.
The issue seems related to the sudden “out-of-date” tag on maybe 20 of my addon files. They were all in date yesterday (1/7/21), so not sure what happened that they suddenly were causing issues.
Also odd that they were only crashing Horde side Exiles Reach and all other characters were playable. Even new alliance exiles reach.
The offending addons included sub-elements of Details, Grail and Handynotes. Along with NPC scan, Addon Control Panel, Doom Cooldown Tracker. All of these are listed as “Up-to-Date” in the Curseforge client.