I run an AOTC guild and we’ve been trying to figure out what to do in this unusual season where there is no new raid and no AOTC to earn. We polled the guild asking what people’s goals were for Season 4 and the response we heard over and over again was “slime cat,” so that is what we’re targeting as a guild this season. So while we’re normally a heroic progression guild, this tier our goal is just finishing all three raids on normal difficulty, and maybe we’ll do a bit of heroic for the currency, but the “we win the tier!” button for us is going to be slime cat.
If the slime cat becomes obtainable in LFR, I think we’ll lose half the raid team. There’s no new raid content and no AOTC, and for many of us, the dopamine does not flow if there’s no goal to aim for. I think a lot of people, especially those whose WOW experience centers around raids rather than m+, would get the slime cat on day 1 of week 3 from LFR and then unsub until pre-patch.
The mythic+ folks will be fine, as there’s plenty of new content for them. But for the people who are here to raid, slime cat is it.
I am sympathetic to those who don’t have time to raid outside of LFR, or have social anxiety or disabilities. I have a disability myself and it does limit what I can do in game. I think where Blizzard dropped the ball was not communicating this in a clear and timely manner. But if the slime cat mount is changed to be obtainable in LFR, it’s not like that won’t hurt anybody. I think that change would cause many AOTC guilds to skip this season entirely because they cannot field enough raiders (and don’t want to go crazy recruiting right before Dragonflight hits and everyone comes back and you have too many raiders and have to split into two raid teams. Been there, done that, hated it!). I have no idea how the change would affect mythic raiding guilds.
For those who really want the slime cat mount and don’t usually raid normal, consider joining a guild. I know for some this is very intimidating or they’ve been burned by toxic guilds in the past, but there are a ton of really nice and helpful people playing this game. There are also some great cross-server communities if you want a raid team without joining a guild. You may just have to put in a bit of effort to find them, as usually these folks are not real vocal in public channels. Look for guild advertisements on reddit or wowprogress or wowguilds. I personally would avoid guilds that recruit by spamming trade chat. An application process for joining, while intimidating, is a good thing, because when used properly it keeps the mean people out.