Exclude the twinks from normal que if this change goes through

This is confusing. This seems to have been put in at the very last stages of the PTR… or at the very least no one noticed it until very late and the Dev Team never announced they were putting in such a system before hand for players to look for. It reminds me greatly of the initial introduction of ilvl scaling in Legion. An all around awful way to run a PTR.

I don’t think anyone likes this change.
Players are using the system the team created, scaling, to its maximum effect.

Ultimately, it’s the Dev Teams fault that we live in a world where a gear 110 is better than a 110+ leveling player in BFA content. BFA is just straight up broken, an expansion where you get objectively weaker compared to the world around you as you level up and lose more than you gain from the experience.

These problems didn’t exist before level and ilvl scaling were introduced into the game. This scaling adds nothing of significant value and in many cases, like the one this change is targeted at addressing, cause issues which are bad for the health of the game.


Level 44 neck. The absolute madman. Gave up on caring about twink IEs (along with any IE) a bit into bfa but how do you do it? And does AK affect you at that level? Lastly how fast can you go? I can get about 184% movement speed with haste build and bone shield (and hurricane proc) with sephuz it obviously goes way up. Just curious since I have a warrior with all the legos but sadly no one wants twinks for mythic antorus. I just wanna go fast.

“But I wanted pay to win!”


You know that Blizzard sell the gold to players to pay to get this “nonsense” right?

It’s SUPER hard to stick to it sometimes. Especially when you plan on having it be your new main.

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AK works for every character even low levels. My DH would be 50 if I didn’t have like 6 other twinks

LOL? 110 to 120 is already too fast as is?

Like, a zone and a half for 10 levels? Really?

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It’s as exciting as quick-drying paint!


I actually stopped trying to level it a few weeks ago, It might have been 47 by now. For the most part I used the mission table only to level my neck. 1 hour and 40 minute missions with the right setup. With the current AK level it takes quite a bit only using mission table.

As for movement speed I am usually at 174% base up to like 260+ with some specific setups in fury, 152~ for prot. Probably faster if I didn’t go 111 for leech enchants.

I am lucky that my guild runs all the old raids every saturday. I even got a 111 twink rogue I am gearing.
To see what twinks are capable check this vid I made last month.

Wait it does? It didn’t in legion and I just assumed that that aspect of it just carried on bfa. Would have been glad to know about that several months ago. Oh well, nothing in bfa has gripped my attention. Just doing retail to complete quests before classic.

In legion there was work orders that wouldnt start until 110 but they decided to allow 110s to get bfa knowledge

Maybe now your team of developers will see that leveling is not fun after the first time you have to do it and make changes for alts. The twink leveling in FH is 100% the fault of the slow and boring travel and leveling experience. Why not fix the actual problem instead of taking away enjoyable and quick leveling?


It all stems from the first stat squish and their continued efforts on that front. A lot of us said that it was going to royally mess things up and here we are.

Blizzard assured everyone that they could pull it off and they did a job I would grade at around a c-. It all stems from greed in freeing up time so that they could put development on autopilot. My opinion of course.


How about making incursions as rewarding as Legion invasions?

How about putting XP back on treasures as with WoD?

How about fixing scaling so 110s aren’t stupid OP while 119s feel like they have both hands tied behind their back and an anchor around their neck?

And while you are at it, revert the XP padding put in back in late Legion and bring back 300% XP buffs (RaF / rare potions) as options for players to speed up leveling.

Oh wait, you won’t do that because then players might not spend as freely on buying cash shop boosts - which is something I expect in an F2P title, but not in a game still requiring a paid subscription.


I told people this yesterday in the first thread, but no one would listen. I told them it’d be party-wide, not instance-group wide, but no one would listen. Lol. shrug

Anyway, people also need to understand:


The Gold Farmers started to do this EXTREMELY commonly. Just like any other thing that gold farmers do, Blizzard needs to take action, and unfortunately, the only thing they can do in this case is break the way powerleveling is done for everyone in order to stop gold sellers from doing it.

Just like they’ve done with every other thing in the past Gold Sellers have done, like lowering the gold from raid bosses/trash and such.

And if you think I’m kidding, whisper one of the many powerleveling people on live right now. 9/10 times you’ll find someone who will try to get you onto skype or some other form of off-game communication who will try to get you to trade for real money in exchange, rather than gold.


Why are you so salty about this change?

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Why yes, yes they do.

Why are you partying with a guildie who wants XP off? They want to keep their toon at level 110 while you proceed to level up?

Sounds like a neglible case and more like hiding the real cause that the guildie is boosting the others via the same DH/FH method.


This is what people with a shred of common sense already interpreted from the initial announcement, but it is good to have it stated concretely.


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Here’s a crazy idea; if you don’t like it, don’t do it.

Your alts are not an entitlement, if you like them, level them. Stop looking for power-leveling handouts.



Running players through leveling content for XP - bad and has to be nerfed.

Running players through current end-game content for gear and achievements - totally fine, just sell it for gold.

So players can sell gear and achievement runs for gold… ONLY Blizzard can sell levels for gold and real money. Its only wrong if players do it.

If you remove one from the game, I would think you would have to remove the other from the game.

I have 2 accounts, one that I reactivated, so I could have a twink on one and level my personal alts on the other. I have not sold a single run. I found it fun to gear the twink and level some alts. Since the current grind of 110-120 was so very painful after the 2nd alt. At least in Legion it was quick to level alts through the invasions and made it less painful and boring. But what did Blizz do…nerfed the amount of XP you get from the BFA battles to make it almost not worth doing.

So for my style of game play, it seems, they would rather have me cancel my 2nd sub. and during the multiple boring lulls in the content just unsub my main and hope I return.

Before you bash me on my OPINION, there are thousands of people playing this game and thousands of different ways people play it. This is a way I found fun.