Exclude the twinks from normal que if this change goes through

You’ve maxed out 50 characters on your account? Holy moly…

It’s not hard if you’ve played the game since release and have changed servers to play with friends but not server transfering every character you have.


Sounds like some weird WoW version of being a Hoarder. I would gather you’ve probably got characters you haven’t played for YEARS.

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Who asked for this change?

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It’s still a bad change.

Fix why leveling is terrible instead of nerfing the ways we find to work around terrible leveling.


I’m not going to kibitz the change, just the impact.

This specific impact of affecting Old World play is notably standout.

The real problem is that this is a manifest issue with scaling. I remember this in Legion, running instances with my 107 Warrior and a pair of 102s that were simply crushing everything. I know my Warrior DPS was garbage, but these guys – boy howdy.

And, yea, they spent a lot of time and money and what not to gear their toons. But in the end, it was the scaling system that was “bad”, not the players.

But this will have tangible impact on Old World groups, folks playing BC and Wrath et al “at level”. 80’s running around trying to help their L70+ friends in Nexus and UK so that they can get leveled and geared up to take on the might Lich King.

Twinking. Powerlevel. etc, I personally don’t care about any of that oe way or the other. But a Naxx geared toon should be able to help their friends in Drak’Tharon without punishing them.


Let’s have 1 second of honesty here: The only reason why they did this was because they want to introduce 120 lvl for money from the store.


Why is this a thing?

Leveling was “too fast”? Maybe ask yourself “why are folks skipping leveling altogether”? Is it too slow? Did we nerf heirlooms too much? Is not having flying for over a year leading to people not bothering?

Why is twink level boosting taboo but selling arena rating or heroic/mythic gear ok?

Anyone can hit level cap within 4-6 hours, but arena rating and heroic/mythic gear/mounts/achievements are supposed to demonstrate “mastery of the game”.

So why is the thing anyone can get faster taboo, but the thing few people are supposed to get faster ok?

Because a fresh 120 doesn’t bother my game experience nearly as much as getting owned by a 2800 rating player in 1400 arena, or being outgeared by folks who can’t tell the difference between their ‘1’ and ‘2’ keys.

So if you are going to keep forcing unnecessary changes down our throats to feed your precious MAUs… at least be consistent.

This change is as out of nowhere as your “water-walking is a problem” fix.

Who is honestly asking for these useless changes?

AP is still ruining your game, trinkets that have broken PvP (or become mandatory), balance, boring classes … but nope water-walking and shaving two hours off of leveling time is “the problem”.

Here is a pro-tip … increase Faction Assault XP by 300% to be on par with Legion invasions and watch the amount of “boost sales” drop precipitously. Legion invasions were far more frequent since anyone could do them (i.e. no faction requirement/war campaign progress required to hit certain zones) and yet they still award more xp.

How does Blizzard internally measure engagement? Because it isn’t working.

MAUs are not engagement. It doesn’t account for alts parked in front of AH’s, folks grinding AP in islands because it’s efficient (despite how much they hate them), etc., etc.


Next expansion will have a 120 boost. If they already have all their alts at 120, How will they buy the boost?! Blizzard is just a poor indie dev, please consider their finances!


Because of money. The survey they handed out showed level 120 boosts are coming to the store soon. So anything that shortcuts leveling is a bad thing, same reason they capped EXP bonus stacking, removed RAF for an indefinite amount of time, nerfed heirlooms, made the world scale so you never got more powerful than the mobs you are leveling off of.

Notice that you can gladly and freely sell raid boosts, mythic+ boosts and PvP rank boosts openly and it’s just fine by Blizzard. Why? There is no raid gear or PvP ranks in the cash shop. But the moment you sell a boost through the content that DOES have a shop booster for sale, it’s suddenly a real big issue worthy of a zero-forethought kneejerk nerf.


Why are you constantly policing how people play the game when exploits aren’t involved? @Kaivax

First you changed mythic+ keystones without fixing the actual issue, then you removed master loot while implementing a half baked forced personal loot that brought more issues than master loot did (can’t trade gear 5 ilvls higher, can’t trade a 400 trinket without having 2 400 trinkets), now you’re removing the ability for people to level from 110-120 using an alternative method without fixing the actual issue which is BfA leveling feels absolutely horrible.

Jesus man. Why are you guys skipping straight to the end without dealing with the middle? You’re not fixing the actual issues before implementing your ideas. You’ve handled these 3 big issues terribly, you didn’t fix much of anything but you managed to introduce many more issues.


Absolutely disappointing this change is coming. This is change is going to hurt your current tokens, as people are buying them to pay for the boosting. I’m guessing this is a “Lets get rid of the people paying for in game services so we can make room for our real money products”. I get the business decision if this is the case, but this is absolutely a negative for YOUR customers who enjoy this aspect of the game.


Thank you for the clarification!

Kaivax,we will see,still haven’t address the WQ grouping since this now manual ,not auto accept any more.

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buy A 120 boost stOP dOING IT THER fun wayu

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So boosters will synchronize queue on specific dungeon instead of grouping up. Amazing fix man.

Fun Detected Ion : Exterminate. Exterminate. Exterminate.
Blizz should demote Ion back to the mail room and pay whatever it costs to bring back Ghostcrawler. I’m so sick of his bullcrap and bad leadership ruining this game.


A lot of us, doesnt mean you dont like everyone else do.


Why do you care? Sounds like you’re another Blizzard buttsniffer who spends too much time trying to dictate how others play the game.


Tell me why it’s a good change. Other than just the typical Blizz squad coming out whenever they do a bad change. It better not be about Boost adverts because the ignore button exists.