Exclude the twinks from normal que if this change goes through

I don’t want my XP to be 5% because some random troll que’d up on twink char and joined our group. I’ve never really cared about twinking, if others find it fun cool I’m not against it…do whatever you want, but if a twink purposefully joins my dungeon to ruin our xp, then it’s a problem. They have their own special que at low levels for pvp, give them solo dungeon ques unless their 95% penalty won’t hurt others in lfg.


Or just revert the change. I can’t think of anyone who has ever mentioned this ever being an issue.


What is this twinking thing? Far as i know people get thrown in dungeons alloted for their levels due to scaling. Right?

Twinking (outside of freehold and islands) has already died with all the changes, just let it rest in peace


The theory right now (barring more information showing up) is this:

5x people randomly queue for a dungeon. 2 of them have XP off, 3 of them are XP on. The ones with XP on will get their full XP. The ones with XP off will not get any (for obvious reasons).

3x people (XP on) randomly queue for a dungeon. They get lumped in with a party of 2 players, 1 of which has XP off.

The 3x players who randomly queued will get the full XP. The 1 player with XP off will get nothing. The 1 player who was partied with the XP off person will get 5% the XP for that dungeon.


Stopping XP at any level desired to stop leveling up, and having maxed out gear for said level to be able to solo or near-solo anything you like, they are making this 95% XP reduction change in order to combat level 110s/111s soloing freehold to boost people.

I don’t know why they’re going to let the innocent people get dragged down into 95% reduction hell. Why punish party members who spend up to half an hour in a dungeon Queue only to end up with a spiteful DH you can’t kick.


This gets said a lot, especially by me, but Blizzard seems to have a control problem. Maybe not their whole team, but someone there absolutely irrationally hates when people do things outside of the Blizzard-ordained method.

It’s weird, and annoying, and it results in changes without notice that no one asked for.


All this change is another excuse to kick people from IE’s.

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It’s bad enough now with the random kicks and the 30 minute debuff that follows.


I just think they need to identify them. I mean you go an turn XP off at an NPC… They have to have some way of tracking it so you’re not gaining experience. Why don’t they do something like change their portrait to gray scale… Or put a big red X over their face in their character portrait. That way people will absolutely know who has it turned off and can react accordingly.

Either that or just remove the XP off NPC and be done with all of the issues that have seemed to crop up this expansion because of it.


Typical blizz move. People are paying a good price to skip your garbage leveling content. Oh but screw making 110-120 not so trash let’s just force all players into it with no alternative.


That won’t happen. It only applies to the people that join as a group with an XP off person.

People paid for power-leveling in WotLK as well. Short-cutting one’s way to the top is not tied to what the current content actual is.


Most people won’t be able to do anything until it’s too late, like waiting in a Q. Identifying people isn’t going to be the issue. Initiating a vote kick will.

Where did you see that? I just saw the blurb that said “Experience gains from quests and kills vastly reduced. Someone in your party has chosen to no longer gain experience.”

It didn’t say anthing about conditions or pre-existing groups.

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The word ‘party’ in that blurb you quoted.

Instance groups vs Party is basically what’s up for debate currently.


Yes it’s been an alternative for a while. Why force people who are clearly uninterested in your tedious content to have no alternative? Whether you enjoy 110-120 or not there should always be viable alternatives.

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Why would a twink that is trying to sell Island or Freehold runs queue for content?

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It doesn’t work that way. Try reading the tooltip and discovering what ‘party’ means.

I thought I read somewhere that xp-off toons were already excluded from the queue for xp-on dungeon finder and island expeditions. Is that not currently the case?