Exact end date of season 4?

Ok bro, stay in denial that you only have 7 days left. In the meantime I’m using common sense over here.

i simply made this post to ask for a confirmation, did i not?


Communication from Blizzard sucks hard once again.

The War Within Pre-Expansion PTR Development Notes - In Development / The War Within Pre-Expansion PTR - World of Warcraft Forums (blizzard.com)

Thank you. I hasn’t seen these yet

My guild is in a similar boat! We are a friendly learner guild that leaves no one behind… no matter what, which can be challenging enough to accomplish without the raid rotation. :sweat_smile:

Our group just killed heroic awakened Fyrakk last night, but that was outside of our usual raid time. So, some people missed the kill.

We could have made more raids days in advance if we had been given more notice when season 4 ended. :expressionless:


Season end just includes pvp rating and m+ rating for the title. You can still do content, get ksm, ksh, aotc, what have ya.

Those become unobtainable with expansion launch in august.

I feel like the pvp and m+ season will end, but awakened will stay through prepatch.

Their failure to open awakened so all 3 are available at once makes that a glaring problem of them just shutting the door.

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It should have been after 6 weeks like it was supposed to be when they first announced season 4.


Yes, exactly! Thank you so very much for acknowledging this. That is why I am asking blizzard for a confirmation of the end date of season 4 for the dragonflight expansion.

Have a lovely day!

Should have, no idea how something so simple failed lol.

I thought the awakened hero title goes away with the end of season 4. That’s what my guild is trying to get!

There’s no reason to think achievements and reward for raids aren’t obtainable if m+ are.

I stg we get these same forum threads every single time a patch is about to end and the answers have always been the same

I don’t remember how this happened during Fated and at the end: what about Great Vault drops and upgrading gear, when did that stop? I’m going to operate under the impression that I have all of this week to run 8s and hope for the best. (I need a hero track cloak on my warrior to nab the mythic recolor and then I’ll be done)

Oh look, it’s exactly what I said it was.

Great Vault and Upgrading gear will continue as normal until TWW launches. The only thing changing is that you won’t be able to work towards the 0.1% M+ Title or PvP seasonal rewards.

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Season 3 ended on a monday evening, and season 4 started right away after.

Just make sure to finish your goals before monday.

I understand (I think)! But this particular achievement for the title says ‘season 4’ in it!