Ah, we’re off to an entertaining re-start of the “try to sling insults” phase. ~laugh~
Why would I want to do such a thing?
You still have a clear problem with the concept called “burden of proof”. Just like you failed to provide proper evidence / proof for your original assertion you are now under the misconception that I should shoulder the burden of proof concerning an assertion that I never made or supported.
In short: I won’t be giving any such explaination but I’ll gladly read your “off-topic” elaboration on why you think that particular assertion is wrong.
So you’re responding to a non-sequitur by re-iterating your own non-sequitur and then - in other words - …
… you add another - entirely unrelated - claim that is also so a non-sequitur. Before long it’ll be “non-sequitur all the way down” instead of turtles.
lol is this a court hearing where I’m the accuser?
Please lets hear them because so far you just want to argue the semantics of my original post instead of adding any input towards whether or not evokers should get a 3rd spec and if that 3rd spec should be a tank spec.
That question just confirms that you indeed have not grasped said concept. Hint: the concept isn’t limited to legal affairs
I denied that request due the rightful dismissal of your original assertion and I’m denying it now.
I still have zero obligation to conform to your unwarranted desires. Maybe it’s time for you to accept that you made a blunder, take the given advice to heart and then try again?! Although I wouldn’t expect to go things “your way” even if you somehow managed to start the discussion properly.
Not entirely accurate but I believe I already touched on this for you in the earlier posts, rest assured my full argument, along with tallies of arguments for and against, will be laid out in the proper channels to those who have the power to do something about it. Sorry to say you have no authority in making any of the changes my self and others would like to see in the game sooo just like
I too am not obligated to provide anything to you.
Dude come on you don’t gotta lie. We all know you ain’t hitting parties up. Just because you are fine with no one wanting you there doesn’t mean you get invited to parties lol. Ever see those prove me wrong videos where it’s one little short phrase just like op titled this thread. How Many times see someone like you up there saying literally nothing of value besides oh I’m so smart I won’t conform to your needs you can’t make me engage in a healthy contributing manner.
Accurate enough fir purposes of this conversation.
“I believe” being the operative words there.
So we’re back to you being lazy and trying to have others doing the work for you.
Sorry to say that I never claimed any such authority and as such you’re committing yet another strawman fallacy.
Unless you want to have reasonable discussion about your original assertion. Then you are obliged to do so or you’ll suffer repeated dismissals of your assertion due to Hitchen’s Razor. Note here that I’m not the only one who denied your request
What I find annoying is that if you mentioned a new class a year or 2 ago everyone constantly said “Blizzard can’t even balance current classes… WUT MAKES YA THINK THEY CN DO IT WITH MORE???” The only argument I see is validity in that one. Blizzard is cutting down some work load by keeping new additions Legion onwards as only having 2 specs. I think Evoker could’ve worked with even 1 spec tbh.
Here’s my convincing argument I guess.
Every role has gotten love since Wrath came out with the DK… except for ranged DPS. Melee DPS? DK, Monk, and DH all got that covered. Tanks? Every new class in the game. Healers? At least Monk.
So it only makes sense they give us a Ranged DPS and a healer as well, the 2 least favored roles.
The ONLY spec we really needed added to the game was a ranged one. And TBH we got shafted. We got EVOKER! A class that’s only for one race AND it’s not short-ranged. Not full ranged like normal ranged classes. -.- The only spec that matters now is another proper ranged class in the game. Ma
100% I’m lazy for gathering data in hopes of finding an argument I haven’t already come across before putting in the work to request something for this game that me and others do want. If you haven’t noticed you are pretty much the only person arguing to argue while not really saying anything regarding evokers getting a tank spec. On the contrary to your false statement, people have engaged the subject. Not every one is as stuck on literal as you and for the most part others in this discussion have enough common sense to see the point of the topic regardless my personal phrasing of it. Some disagree with the idea, more agree.
This is getting old, starting to hope they never make another tank spec… nothing will fix the tank shortage, unless people actually want to play tanks… adding another spec will change nothing.
Who said people want evoker tanks because it solve a so called tank “shortage”. Reference my earlier response regarding the tanking role and available spots in a group for a tank player. It’s a simple matter of wanting something in the game for various reasons. If you do not want it can you say why not and how it affects you if it does get added in?
I do not enjoy casters.
I do enjoy melee and tanks.
My Dracthyr is a Black Dragon. Black Spells are based on earth and defending.
Shaman Earth Spells are also defensive, like Earth Elemental.
Protection Warrior Artifact is also Black Dragon related.
Let me be a Black Dragon Tank.
I do not wish to be squishy,
I just want to be tanky.
I agree with you, next to tanks healers are the second least represented role in the game. I also agree that dh should get a 3rd spec regardless of what role it is and regret not putting in more work then to convince blizzard back then.
Now think about this, you are seeing these threads x amount of times….doesn’t that tell you that evoker tanks are something the player base does want and is genuinely discussing?
Players want a lot of things… I think lore is more important, I rather them stay full on casters because they’ve been on this island all these years and it’s what they know… that’s why getting class availability down the line makes sense.
Dracthyr rogue actually sounds cool, even though it’s a rogue.
Have you in turn noticed that I’m also pretty much the only one who actually leads some form of discussion wizh you?
And nuance again bites you in your back side. Suggestion: Count the number of distinct individuals that truly engaged in your non-discussion vs. the ones that denied you in one way or another vs. the ones that did entirely different things to either option.
I’m not stuck at all, but I’m certainly entertaining myself from my current position.
Do the count and properly show the numbers because that will be proof for this newest claim as well as …
… this one
Ah, is there a hint to be found in there about further intellectual dishonesty?