Evokers should get a third spec and that third spec should be tank

Change my mind with valid arguments.

If you would like evoker tanks state why and how would you like the spec to play

If you don’t state why and how it affects you if they do get a tank spec

Stick to the discussion, not looking for alternative classes, solutions, or discussing “tank shortage”; evoker tank yes or no and why


the only valid thing i got is that even if blizz wanted to do that we are so close to launch, and the talent trees are still mostly a mess with poor balancing (jee who saw that coming) they just dont have time. it would likely suck and would only serve to further paint the spec/race as a failure. give it time and ask for a tank spec down the road… there is a lineup behind the shaman tho lol

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If think having Evokers tank is going to increase the number of people who tank you will be mistaken. The community is why we have a shortage of tanks not the lack of tanking races/classes. What it will do is get people who already enjoy tanking to them to try out a new tanking class. Now if you want to just tank as a dragon, I don’t see a problem with it the more options the better.


No one needs to change your mind. You are completely irrelevant when it comes to a tank evoker spec that blizzard already stated wont happen.


cool, blizz has said many things then went back and changed it because of community feed back. Stick to the discussion/topic.


You guys do realize that adding more tanks doesn’t solve the (supposed) tank shortage problem.

Maybe, perhaps, the reason for the tank shortage is because this community is a hive of scum and villainy?


who said anything about tank shortage? did you read, its very simple evoker tank yes or no?

Maybe, I dunno. I’m fine with it not being a tank, the last hero class had a tank spec already, would be nice to have something that isn’t that for a change.

Not everything has to have the Trinity, Rogues are a pure DPS class and are basically designed to be one, why not ask why THEY can’t be tanks? Why not Shamans? Priests? Mages?


But you haven’t given your reasons for why they should. So what are we arguing against?


You’re not looking for valid arguments.

Evokers shouldn’t have a tank spec. Change MY mind with valid arguments other than “but it’s a new class and I want it.”


May I introduce you to Hitchen’s Razor?

"What can be asserted without evidence can also be dismissed without evidence.

You have just asserted that Evokers should get a third spec without any evidence / argument to support that claim. Therefore nobody is under any obligation to provide “valid” arguments against your claim (or the underlying opinion).

In order to achieve what you just asked people would actually have to make a case against Evoker tanks. Instead you are now asking others to provide the evidence / arguments for your own position. That can be considered as both lazy and intellectually dishonest.

Again more intellectual dishonesty by directly moving the goalpost.

There’s no way to stick to “the discussion” because you didn’t actually start one. Any discussion that might arise is of the making of others and as such can alter the “topic” at their discretion.

You’re also not looking for an actual discussion.



I just dont know why we now accept 2 spec classes. feels lazy and they almost have to over power it so people will play it.

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What valid arguments? I don’t see any. The only one I could think of would be if Blizzard were incapable of doing it.


I want to gather more opinions from other people, but I will later on make a full post of why they should and rebuttal arguments against (which i already have in other threads with supporting arguments).

Now tell me your thoughts on the matter

As you can see, so far only one person was able to state something tangible towards the topic and that was Kravin. Everyone else just wants to talk but not really say anything

Which isn’t a “discussion” but “data collection”.

So you’re indeed lazy and want others to do your work for you, while directly limiting actual discussions by imposing limitations on their contributions and presenting nothing of your own.

As I said: Hitchen’s Razor applies and thus …

… I am dismissing your claim and the associated request in the exact same manner: without evidence or arguments but with an explicit denial of even entertaining your idea of a binary choice between “yes” or “no”.


And had you understood my initial comment then you’d have problem with understanding why exactly this is happening.


So you just want to argue semantics? That is exactly what I want to avoid, but you are right for now it is data collection, if you do not want to voice your opinion on the topic here why engage at all?

The good ole wow forum phenomena, argue to argue

Well before I go about trying to disprove something, you actually need to give your reasoning for why I should bother trying. I mean I am not going to get into a debate about why they shouldn’t be tanks when you couldn’t even be bothered to debate why they should…


If Evokers get a third spec then Demon Hunters should get a third spec!


You have no opinion of your own? do you want it or not and why…its not that hard people
but here is a list i made in another thread to rest your little hearts. There are even more threads with more things ive typed out but clearly some people cant read so dont really expect them to go through it.

REASON # 1 -Players do want it
REASON # 2- It keeps the tanking role equally represented with healers in terms of spec to role ratio
REASON #3- It gives the tanking role lust, further helping group comps specially in m+
REASON #4- It would have a unique and thematically fitting playstyle (the caster tank)
REASON #5- It will prevent the standard of getting a new class every 4-6 years with only 2 specs (IE a half assed class which we allowed by not making more noise when DH only got 2 spec, and yes they should get a 3rd spec as well)
REASON #6- It expands the roles mail wearers can perform, sorry clothies had tanking roles in the past and that does not fit…but an arcane battle mage tank would be an exception
REASON #7- It fits the lore and theme
REASON #8- It is more realistic to add 3 new spells and a talent tree for a tanking spec than to add animations of all the other classes for dracthyr
REASON #9- It will utilize all the dragon aspects to their full extent instead of the only 2 black spells they currently have

I know what my opinions are, the point is to gather all of yours

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I honestly don’t really care one way of the other but it is hard to debate why you think they should be allowed to be tanks without you actually outlining your reason for it.