Evoker's Range

But they didn’t always. Why did Blizzard change that?

Likewise, scum.

When did we start talking about instant cast spells? You keep doing this. You keep saying random s*** as if you’re making some point. You’re like a black hole, scooping up off the wall rebuttals so you can to keep trying to “make a point”.

So you agree Blizzard changed something then? Why can’t they change Evoker range then?

You know what’s funny, we weren’t even talking about healing CDs earlier until you brought them up for some reason XD

Yea, if you ignore all the strength and weaknesses classes have then sure 25-30 yards is unacceptable.

Blizzard wants evoker to be mid-range, don’t play the class. It’s as silly as playing a melee class and wanting it to be 40 yards.

CD strength matters if you’re comparing strengths and weaknesses. KEEP UP!

healing cds are part of a healer’s toolkit. We have the strongest healing cd in the game.

You can’t just discuss range while ignoring other aspects of the class. Damage windows, mobility (hover) compared to other classes.

Burst windows.

Survivability etc.

Really? Then why didn’t you mention healing CDs upfront? While we’re at it, is there anything extra you’d like to add NOW?

The core of the argument is that there is nothing that justifies our reduced range. Most of the people on this thread and the other one agree, so clearly you and the inbreds like you, are objectively wrong XD

Is there anything that justifies as class for having less range than a feral druid? It’s design intent.

By that logic, since Feral druids didn’t always have extra range, why can’t Evokers have 40 yards? Why can’t Blizz make that change?

Design intent, and that’s why they should not.

If evokers are weak, keep range the same, buff numbers, buff toolkit. Anything before “extra range.”

The reverse is also true, keep everything the same and just give us the same range as everyone else.

Your argument is, objectively, invalid <3

Evoker is designed to be mid-ranged, and thus should stay this way. Would be like if warriors are weak, and they decided to give them 40 yards.

Just doesn’t make sense when there’s so many other changes they can do.

I’ll tell why they would do it. Why would Blizzard spend the time and therefore money to balance, buff, nerf change this, take that out, w/e when they could just update our range with a few simple keystrokes?

It’s literally the easiest, cheapest, most sensical thing they could do.

No. Speaking purely from a prevoker point of view, it offers nothing but headache when you cannot reach spread out dps.

I am not really any more mobile in terms of casting than my disc priest, and both much less so than resto druid and arguably monk. I know people talk about hover and glide a lot but these abilities just make me equal to the mobility levels of others for a short period of time. The fact you must hard cast Spiritbloom almost always at max rank, and dream breath at least one tick, it honestly doesn’t even feel all that mobile. I’m not exactly sure what amazing power i’m getting for the tradeoff, that so many people seem to be referring to. Prevoker isn’t even close to the best HPS in the game even if I stay within my range of the entire raid group 100% of the time.

Even if you made it 40 yard range, it is STILL the most restrictive healer due to its core rotation spells having a cone heal, a straight line breath, slow travel orb, and having their most powerful ST heal force you to fly to their location - which can often get you killed. I’m not really sure why they didn’t at least make preservation normal range. But on the dps side devastation is kind of bad right now anyway so they aren’t getting any positives from being short range…

Arcane Mage requires near perfect and virtually impossible levels of uptime in exchange for basically the best ST dps in the game. It is a clear trade off. Evoker’s range limitations don’t actually offer any benefit because hover/glide aren’t actually making it that much more mobile than a few other full-range casters/healers - and in picture perfect scenarios they aren’t doing any more dps/hps than other classes in fact they’re actually doing much less than say outlaw/havoc/arcane and less hps than monks/disc priests (both of which are even more mobile).


Couldn’t have said it better myself <3

I imagine a lot of Prevokers pull their hair out during council fight.


Disc priest has so much less mobility.

Thought 40 yard range would be a blessing on Manifested Timeways, tried it once, not really it turns out.

If someone’s out of range when you’re on a disc priest, good luck.

An evoker can at least reach them.

I’m very confused by this. How, at any point, are you not in range as a disc priest on that fight…?

Disc priests can: Cast penance (both dps/hps versions) on the go, Power Word: Shield is massive and instant, Store up to 2 charges of instant flash heals, atonement healing continues to tick off DoT and pet damage while moving, penance PWS and feather can all increase move speeds. Rapture allows them to keep their entire party alive by shield spamming at instant cast speed while moving.

while prevoker can get to point B from point A much faster than disc, in terms of healing while moving, I do not agree, it still beats prevoker.

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Because someone is on the literal opposite side of myself (who is at max-range on boss.) Just travelling to the other side takes time, and 30% movement speed is sloww

In that scenario the evoker would not be able to reach them. So I remain confused on why that fight is somehow harder as a disc priest.

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Evoker can use hover charges, Verdant Embrace.

What exactly does it mean to be designed for mid range? It seems rather arbitrary…

Is it mobility? Other casters have that, equal to or greater than evoker, and the ones that don’t have the tankiness to be able to greed for a bit while they plant. Aug is tanky, dev isn’t, and pres isn’t terribly tanky either.

BM hunter has a full range and unlimited mobility.

So what is it then? What defines something as being “Designed to be mid-ranged”? Because as far as i’m concerned, it’s just the number they punched in to say “look at this new thing we’re trying” when they’re not actually different from any other caster to justify it, but have this random range limit.

No, no it wouldn’t. It would be like if Warriors were forced to be inside of a hitbox in order to hit something for the sake of being a “close quarters combat” class and they wanted to be able to attack from outside of the hitbox like every other melee.

There is nothing about the design of evoker, in any spec, that justifies the shortened range.


The room is not big enough to out range the healer if the disc priest remains in melee range of the boss. That would be the disc priests mistake.

In that scenario, it is very easy for a dps to outrange the evoker if the evoker stays mid though.

Then lets say sure the evoker has to use hover and VE to get to the hunter in no mans land. Now, they are out of range of the warlock on the other side and must run over there too. Eventually, you use VE and you pass through a time orb and get yourself killed. You wipe.

The disc priest need only stand in mid, and do nothing aside from ensuring they are in the slow zones if balls go out. They aren’t only more mobile here, and always in range of their team, they also don’t even need to use the mobility because honestly they could just stay still while keeping their team alive and outdpsing the prevoker by sheer nature of their spec.

In this scenario as is the same in real fights, the prevoker is moving a lot and flying around to achieve what the disc priest does with a quarter of the effort.

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